GG for killing Necro over beta feedback... i guess?

I just did 10 levels on Sorcerer. I zipped through the same content as I did previously on my Necro. No problems. fast, quick and easy. How is this a balance between classes?

Yes, it is a small sample, just two classes but how is it balanced when on one class you struggle for 2,5 hours to do more or less the same content that you do within an hour (give or take few minutes) on another?


If you don’t like it don’t play it lol.

Check Reddit, so many posts about it being trash now.
And i agree, it’s an absolutely horrible nerf.
Summons are completely useless aside from being used as passive fodder now.

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It’s not dead dead… I mean a Necro… is already dead technically.

The Minion issue… the Skeleton Defenders, with +45% life from lv 3 mastery are ok. They take some damage, but they’re ok and can heal.

That is where they’ve been balanced… at Mastery Rank 2 or less… they’re garbage…

All they had to do was reduce the damage of bone spear and corpse explosion… instead, they waded in with the nerf hammer… But it’s not entirely dead.

Ps Don’t use Hemorage… or well… any of the base skills… other than bone spikes… hemorage at 1 pt and the guy looks like he’s casting a spell in Harry Pottery… trying to tame a ghost.

They nerfed the wrong thing!

Minion survivability DID NOT NEED A NERF!
Its not fun to run around summoning skeletons all day.
I dont care if their damage is nerfed, but I dont want them to insta die from every boss/elite hit.


Necro is dead sadly and any minion builds for that matter. They die in couple of seconds.

WTF came up with this idea of nerfing minion life never played a minion build in hes life (or enjoyed it) The whole point of playing that is taking it easy and having autobots hunting for you with you just looking over them not spending 99% of time resumonning. and getting frustrated…

Our whole discord server i 100% pissed about the massive nerfs that made most builds pointless. Many are also refunding as they are worried about the future of the game and long time investment.

There are no other pet classes. So no option really.

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Сама бетта сейчас убогий шлак… и без того низкий уровень в виде 30 уровня в начале не давал представления о классе… все сводилось к 2-3 билдам в 2 умения по сути и некромант как то ещё выживал за счет скелетов… тут считай суть класса убили. Да и ограничение в 20 уровней… некро плюшевый… скелеты умирают при полной прокачке и шмотках на хп с 1-2 ударов любого сильного моба. При чем большинство из них бьет не в одного а по площади так что отлетает вся пачка. Интеллект скелетов просто стерли… мобы часто проходят просто мимо стоящих скелетов добираются до некроманта начинают бить и только потом следует какая то реакция живности) Я вообще не понимаю как собрались проверять сервера при бетке настолько урезанной которая в принципе мало интересна новым игрокам и совсем не интересна тем кто играл в предыдущие так как контента по части развития персонажей, вещей и так далее стало меньше. В прошлый раз в игру было трудно зайти ожидание по 30-40 минут и игра почти в любой локации в команде… сейчас интузиазм игроков заканчивается на 20 уровне и нет никакого стимула исследовать мир так как развитие персонажа прекратилось, более лучшие вещи все ровно не выпадают, комапанию ты уже видел… буд то разработчики бояться показать отсутствие контента в игре который весь по сути только теоретически начинается за пределами 32 уровня.

Playing the Necro as we speak I’m at lvl 16 now (did have a 25 Necro on the previous beta)

The necro feels slow now and out of balance like others say on boss fights your damage out put your self is low and you need your minions.
The only problem is your minions are constantly death in 1 or 2 blows
The Necro if I read the patch notes did get the most nerfes after previous beta’s sure it was a bit over powered in the open beta then again we did have tons of legandaries / rare’s dropping with great stats and ability’s… That also did make it more overpowered…
So the combination of the gear and the nerf in minion stats and lower damage of corpse explosion makes the necro in the lower levels now the worst class of all!

Think Blizzard did make some stupid discissions if it comes to the Necro class

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Вы забыли упомянуть о линейности развития персонажей при всём этом… при однообразном геймплее хD да же диабло 2 выглядит интереснее в сравнении игровых механик с учётом что на дворе 2023 год ) а д4 не стала каким то прорывом в серии а стала ещё одной из… которая держится в новостях только за счёт фанатов полюбивших когда то 1-2 части… 3 и 4я смотрятся как дальние родственники… совсем дальние и не очень адекватные )

How this change passed internal testing is beyond me. First boss and I can’t keep minions up. They die instantly. No skill points to set at this point and no items to help out. If this is the live experience people are going to have with the necromancer, then good luck. You killed the class. Jesus. Did you even test the changes?!

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Really constructive and helpful. :+1:t3:

I have to say that I much preferred the original way to heal up/replace my skeleton army during the beta version of the game.

Having to select a corpse pile to create a new skelly is bad enough but to do it whilst being chased (and more often than not, being hit) by trash mobs and everything else up-to and including the area boss is just not on.

It’s so difficult! Who ever thought this was a good idea needs to go back to the drawing board!!

I know that Blizzard nerfed the necro quite a bit - and I don’t mind that if it makes the game more balanced, but this is unacceptable imho.

Bring back the ability to command them on one target and problem solved, with no way to command them in any way leaves them just ambling about attacking enemies on their own and doing a whole lot of nothing.

My experience with the Sorc and Necro are totally opposite. I feel that it is more of a challange playing the Sorc now than it was, with the Necro i have been running through everything without almost any feel of a challange. Blood surge is a pretty powerful Aoe that kills everything.

I do admit that i did like playing the Necro a bit better as it was before the change, but it´s not that bad that i dont like it. Managing skeletons now is a bit of a hassle, on bosses they should leave a corpse to re-res from as they do go down quickly before putting points into skills and if you re-cast the spell with a full group they should kill off the skelly with the least of health and replace it with a new one. Other than that it´s a fun class.

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like the end of the game. will help my skeletons that die from 2 hits already at lvl 20?

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Playing summoner Necro with high Thorns [305], great for mobs… shit for bosses :stuck_out_tongue:

All these necromancer topics have me concerned about the design team of this game.

“No fun allowed” doesn’t sound like a good dev model.

tbh there nerfing everyone down to Druid level it seems :stuck_out_tongue: well to be fair the broken OP skills being broiught inline with others

necro have always been relativly shit for bosses compared to most other classes i find, they seem to be best at cleaving through mobs not so much single target