Gilded Goblins Galore

Gilded Goblins Galore

Hunt a variety of Treasure Goblins in unprecedented numbers in March of the Goblins.

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It is necessary to save for the basic game more mechanics from the seasons, and not delete them with every new one.

It’s a balance thing, if they kept every season mechanic, the game would be bloated. They should deffinitly take note from season mechanics, learn what works and what doesn’t, but cant keep all of them.

The good ones should stay, as the vampire’s one for example. The POE keepeth and no one complain.

That’s too generous of you to say. The Treasure Goblin mechanic in Diablo 4 doesn’t even qualify as a “feature”. This is the most out of touch soulless “update” or “event” I have seen in a long time. Not a single change to default Goblin mechanics.

For some reason they looked at Diablo 3 Goblins and thought; "What if we

  • Remove the iconic sound effects that makes you excited and wanting to find them
  • Give them an Unstoppable ability and make them run really fast to make it annoying to kill them
  • Make them blend in with regular monsters so players have to rely on the minimap to see them?"

Treasure goblins in Diablo 4 isn’t a feature, it’s literally just a chest with legs, except more annoying. “Expanding” a mechanic that adds no value to the game is not only a waste of development time but reminder of what we lost from Diablo 3. This mechanic was “perfected” over a decade ago, all they had to do was copy it. Maybe Goblins were too fun, and needed to be nerfed?

If you haven’t done your homework, don’t scribble something on a piece of paper and pretend you’ve done work. All that does (the update) is make you look worse, it shows a lack of respect and that you don’t care about your own game. All this does is makes passionate players like me blow up on the forums.

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path of incel parrots

i really, truly and completely want to breach the treasure chamber of the goblins. i desire this. like it would be that i killed a goblin, quickly… or no: killing it when it opens the portal has a chance to keep the gate open
there’s several treasure chambers… levels also, imo. best one is the gold boss, and it’s kinda hard imo… so if u get one u either need to ask for help or u have to be strong enough to take it down. but there’s also lesser chambers, and like there’s treasure goblin general quarters… there’s the treasure goblin city. the mushroom farm also, ofc. mushroom farm mostly got herbs and mundane things, it’s the poorest goblin portal to get. still good though.
that’s how i envision it to be.
also, on topic: i think it’s a fun event with the goblins and i really appreciate that every season has a bit of these events as spice.

and uhh, yea… minimap. i’ve been thinking on that too. the ONLY reason to look at the mini-map is in case there is a goblin lurking somewhere. or maybe ur looking for an event piece.
i have an ultrawide screen and i would like … markers for what’s going on, maybe… no… maybe i would like a sound for the treasure goblin as the coins rattle on the floor?
Edit: Actually I’d love the minimap bottom center somehow, transient. And with the cooldowns and buffs arranged well with that. Ppl got these screens and the minimap concept need to change with the technology, it’s inconvenient glancing that far all the time.
Also this, while I’m on screen: The far edges of the screen are unused (and i get that cause the game action is centered and further out doesn’t really work) and it would be cool to put some stuff there like: inventory, buffs or stats, cooldowns. It’s a pretty large screen real estate completely unused, just saying. Not for everyone, no, but for those who has it: Why not? Guess it takes some effort figuring out a nice fit ofc but worthwhile from my perspective.
anyway… the mini-map need tactical and/or strategic use. imo. i’d like bigger cooperative events. like there’s a mine and there’s carts going from the mine. fair stretch too. and the players present need to guard the carts as they’re constantly under assault. for that u need the minimap and the map, and u need to work a bit coordinated. sometimes u need to run in pack, cause there’s a heavy incoming, and sometimes u need to spread out and solo.
i think that the citadel is those kind of ideas. so i appreciate that. it’s just that i want them in the open and not as a set team but freestyle. for that though, something that works need to be found. citadel doesn’t 100% compute for every fresh player, for one thing.

Goblins Galore? - WHERE?? ive seen one in the last hour.

You’re lucky. I’ve encountered 1 since it started

First Odious Goblin I see is immune to damage when it’s standing still, preparing its portal to escape.
So it’s only possible to kill the goblins while they’re running?
There’s no reason for them to stop, stand still for several seconds to create a portal and then disappear, if it’s not possible to kill them while they’re “casting”.

Lovely job as always.

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for goblin hunt run hell tide seek rituel circle andis more goblin there is best place i done event take 2 days only happy hunting run hell tide or dungon both good for goblins

they run a certain distance and start their portal. at some phase in the portaling it becomes immune, it’s just to show that you were too late.
sometimes u find tracks of them and if u follow it quickly, and r lucky, u might catch it. mostly it’s a dead trail but it’s a cool feature.

I’m playing Gilded goblins galore event, went through the thing to climb up the board with my regular paragon 119 Druid, but things went completely wrong when trying to get my associated rewards… These should be claimed from the Goblin statue located in Kyovashad, bad luck it’ s never been there since I started chasing them! I tried with other level 50 characters I do have, but haven’t been much more successful, until I created a fresh new one Necromancer which was able to see the goblin statue.

So I claimed all of my rewards, except these have been downgrade for my level 1 freshly new character. Basically here I’m quite mad after having played hours for nothing and continue to be unable to claim the rewards as these should be.

I’m in the middle of being able to claim another reward, but do I want to now I know there is no way to get them properly, unless the bug is fixed.

Thank you for your support and happy hunt :smiling_imp:

hard for them portal be stune or daze freeze or oneshoot i kill over 500 st or more XD