Hardcore PvP two suggestions high risk low risk

Good morning!

I was thinking about hardcore pvp for a while since hardcore will be the mode I am starting off at launch and didn’t want to make a softcore character just to try out unbalanced pvp mode even though it still sounds like fun.

So two thoughts of mine of the last days thinking about hc pvp in general I will post here and would like to hear what you think.

General explaination:
Assuming the PvP Zone has players with same gear item level in there for balance reasons.
If you enter that zone, you can enter anyhow you want and depending with what item level you enter the zone the rewards will be.

As a hardcore player it might sound smart to enter the zone naked, because if you enter it naked with no gear on you won’t have to destroy two items.
The funny thing is, all players in that zone are now naked because they are equal to your item level (basically no items) so players you face have nothing or less stuff on - like you.

So in this case the risk is low (no worth items will be destroyed after dying) so the reward is also low too. Enemies drop less of the mats you want etc.

If I join the zone fully geared I have a high risk because I am going in that zone with valuable items. And I will only do that if I have items double to replace them after a death. But now comes the solution to this: players can only choose one item that will be destroyed and the other item is RANDOM. So I might have two Shakos but what about Windforce? Will I enter the zone with my windforce or just take a yellow “good” bow with me instead, because rng could get my Windforce.

This has two benefits:

  1. Hardcore players still LOSE things and can play PvP with being punished.
  2. Depending how economy will work it makes items stay valuable because good items always leave the system, unlike in softcore mode.
    In Diablo 2 for example Enigma was at 30 Ists at the start of a ladder and end of ladder 1-2 Ists because the eco got flooded with these items. In hardcore sooner or later someone will need a new enigma if rng hits. Just an example.

I think this would be a really good idea for hardcore PvP.

Currently as it is most of hardcore players will only do low level PvP or at the end of a ladder when the char is done and can die.

Another option instead of destroying two items you have equipped would be sending our chars to Uber Tristram and having to prove to the great Nephalams that we are worth being alive in sanctuary. We get three random bosses and either we kill them and live again or we die and die forever.

I think u can only wear
1 unique.