If every Diablo IV expansion is free, it will be great

The expansions in D3 was not free, and they will not be in D4 either. Expect 70 euro for them.

Reality is the suit elite will fire devs to save money if the product do not meet the expected sales numbers. That in return will lead to a D4 that is even worse then what it is now.

Now is Microsoft, Diablo IV expansion(s) may be free.

Not this years, but maybe expansion in 26 will be free…

I seriously doubt it, D4 is not a gamers game.

it should be and maybe i´ll play it. they cashed in a lot on people´s love for the serie. and they way they presented it in places it was semi-scam. i got the priciest edition, foolishly encouraging the current dev clows. i won´t be paying for any more diablo if the current woke-whipped faces are involved.

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wait, are you a racist? what do you mean ‘woke-whipped’, specify.

If it cost 20-30€ I can buy it. But more depends on Season 4 patch. If it is not good, nothing will save D4, so we don’t need any expansions.

Have you never played a Blizzard game before? It will be priced at standard AAA 70eur with heroic and epic editions at additional cost, and everyone will go nuclear about it and still buy it anyway. Thats how it goes every single time.

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I have played games since 1982 and Diablo in 2000. Maybe I have played before you even have born. I played D3 and PoE over 10.000 hours. I have spend over 1000€ in games so that money means nothing but if the game is not good I don’t spend money with it. D4 is not worth of money now. But maybe after Season 4 it is.

10k hours is impressive. I put 3.5k into D3 I think. Was absolutely worth ofc. And I have a few fond memories too: Like going hc against the butcher in early D3, making that fight… Then onwards towards wicked Mephisto I think it was. Now that stuff was not easy.
But I left D3 disappointed with the same objections I had initially: The character’s identity was lost with the free respecs and available gear being what dictated the build.
D4 made good on that, imo, to some extent at least. Speccing is a bit more personal and there’s suboptimal builds that make it anyway because the main game is played out through gathering materials in helltides. However, it’s pretty repetitive to run helltides only and eventually, as you crush that, it’s pretty boring.
I’d like a bit of a challenge but I don’t, if you know what I mean. I don’t want to run it hardstyle but I would want events that is more difficult.
Anyway, hope season 4 will be good. New things and new ways to play.

Not really sure why you are trying to pull rank on me, but whatever, i was just stating that Blizzard price their games a certain way and suggesting or expecting otherwise with the industry being what it is these days, is foolish. People kick and scream, but still pay the price, so why would it change?

Yes I know, like I say I spend lot of money to games (too much maybe). We players must say no if the game is not worth of that money. Blizz take too much money but now there is MS and they have different way. Ms want’s that there are large group of players all the time, so the prices are lower (get more players).
If the game cost 70-100€ the expansion should be 25-40€ no more, because it’s only a little part of hole game.
Sorry, no function to pull rank on you. I only try to say that I have played a lot of different games in my live and have some kind of knowledge.

Pretty sure it will not be a free expansion, just because Microsoft has taken over. Sure you might get access though GamePass, but that is not free either.

If the expansion is meaty enough I have no issues paying for an expansion, but not for a full price AAA game. But that has never been the case for Blizzard so I would be really disappointed if the base expansion costs more than 40-50 Euros. - I mean base because they will surly add tiers like they did with Diablo 4, adding battle pass and cosmetics if you buy a higher tier.

don’t forget to add another 20quid on to play early

I’m glad i did not drink while reading this XD
I would spit whole volume over my monitor :smiley:

D4 base game was 70-100 euros,look how that turned out to be…

Just because something has a high price doesnt mean its good.

Perhaps it implies it is well developed.

If S4 will be good and Blizz want to bring back base players they should at least give the first expansion free to all the players which bought the game from the beginning and give additional gift for each game price player bought.
I bought the game 100 USD and played S1 and little S3 then stopped now I give S4 a try again.

S2 has been so far the most fun imo, s3 was awful didnt even hit much higher than lvl 50s, just didnt feel like playing. Now waiting eagerly season 4 because things have improved.

If your own body or labour were free, involuntarily so, how would that make you feel? Asking for a dev. ^^

The price to quality ratio of D4 is a shit show. The fact that most gamers are only now, season 4, (maybe?) talking about the game being OK, is just pathetic. It might as well be free with a cash shop. Let the whales fund the game, and let the average gamer enjoy the content. Clearly blizzard is not capable of anything more nuanced than that.