Hearthstone Update: Looking Ahead

Hearthstone Update: Looking Ahead

Nathan Lyons-Smith here, following up on last week’s promise to give you more visibility on our strategy for Hearthstone.

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basically 2 short phrases about their mistakes with 0 knowledge or means to don’t repeat them in the future.On the way it goes, even the new features doesn’t seems too exciting. seems just copy from other games that had it since beggining.

I love this game, but sometimes i feel like i shouldn’t on how things are looking.

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Transfer student: Am I a joke to you?

unnerf time warp. Once per game should be removed from cards and game. It is already so many way to disrupt that mechanic. Now 24k dust deck used for years -useless.

Playing consistently since 2014 and I didn’t even know we were getting new boards with each release! I’m perfectly fine with them backing off on cosmetic changes if it means better cards… but gotta say Perils is a little underwhelming too.

The only thing I read on this update is that there are significant efforts being worked on to further monetize the game. Guys. That’s all well and good, but you have some fundamental problems with the core of the game and balancing and the speed of which those balances are rendered. If you need to create monetization efforts to fund your design and balancing teams, say that. But it’s not what I’d wager most of your players desire (cosmetics, boards, skins, ways to “see the game”). Every stream I go to the content creators just keep saying how awful the game is to play. Keep that in mind while you’re making c’thun 2.0

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To hell with the cosmetics and boards… do something to the power level of the game! Remove Legendary cards from discovery pools, don’t let the players use the same minion 6 times already! Make an end to the endless resource generating and super fast strong aggro also! Not to mention increasing OTK! You are still killing the game!


I dont play constructed, so I dont really care for balancing issues, but BG Duos was the coolest thing you have added to the game in many years! I have so much fun with my friends and I hope you keep improving it :slight_smile:

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“Our strategy for Hearthstone is based around three words: Fun, Focus, and Fearless.”

Fun… Ok, so you want players to have fun… that is OK because games should be entertaning… but not only the player should have fun who will win… but also the one who lose… Playing matches where you have almoast zero chance to win, is not fun…

Focus… I have nothing to say about this, because don’t even understand what it means here… (I think you should change that to “Balance” and start to “Focus” on it finally)

Fearless: So you will continue of creating mindless cards and mechanics without considering anything because you are not affraid of killing the game… Just get money at all costs… I see… but not a good strategy to kill the game by every new expansions you just throw out with all of it’s untested mechanics… not good for the reputation of the game if any still left… and don’t be suprised if more and more players are refuse to pay because of that… you won’t get more money like this… you reach the opposite I think, players are start to getting tired of this nonsense.

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Really feels like they’re turning the game into the card game genre’s version of Delta Airlines… you can get the base game for free but if you want your experience to be fun whatsoever then you’re gonna have to pay a LOT.

I’m usually pretty optimistic about a lot of the changes that the Hearthstone developers make with decisions. The past couple of years of expansions have felt like absolute bangers in flavour, and each expansion has something that I really want to try. The meta has felt like a good amount of fluctuation in what kinds of decks work in the majority of levels of play (besides high Legend in certain periods). Features like catch-up packs, increases in festivals, duos, the constant rotation of battleground rules in general, and a ton of other stuff have made the game feel a lot more fun.

Honestly, I seriously don’t think the issue with the game is balancing as much as it is the way the game has slowly been becoming more and more expensive. Yes, C’Thun was a cool hero portrait that I somewhat regret not getting, but why do we need FOUR different levels of hero portrait?? (1. New hero portrait and voice lines 2. New hero portrait and voice lines + hero power animation 3. Diamond hero portraits 4. Legendary hero portraits). Diamond cards are cool, but since you can no longer get one from collecting legendary cards, the only way I can get them is either the random rewards track one (which, btw… AFK as the diamond??? why???) or spending up to $90NZD to get one plus a couple other cards. This, along with the shrinkflation of pack bundles removing duels for no real reason, so any tavern tickets you may have bought for the game mode only work for arena (which I prefer a lot less than duels); it just feels like Hearthstone is slowly trying to creep its way up in its costs until it eventually reaches Marvel SNAP levels.

Please, Blizzard, I don’t need yet another different type of cosmetic type to make my game 12.4% shinier; I want more fun cards, more fun changes to the game mechanics and less of this money grabbing that you’ve been doing lately.

PS. PLEASE make another solo adventure or dungeon run. I will gladly give up my money for a new one.

Time Warp triggering multiple times a game sucks to play against and I’m really happy for the change tbh - sitting there while you take eight different turns is just boring and feels unfair

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like every other OTK deck you sit there and wait. Not fun either. But time warp kept all these bs decks in control which wild is infested now.

Current state of the game: Up against Paladin then just quit immediately. Same for Druid. Up against Rogue, depends which deck they play but generally not fun to play against. Up against TNT warrior, depends on if you have an aggro deck. Playing an aggro deck - where is the fun in finishing after 6 turns?

I play enough games each month to get the card back then play BG and BG Duos. Standard and Wild are awful right now and you never learn from your mistakes. I’ve been playing this game on and off since 2014. If it wasn’t for BG and BG Duos, I doubt I would even have it installed at this point. Even BG and BG Duos have one or two tribes that, if in the game, everyone plays as they are so OP. Do you even know how to balance a game?

Fun huh? Pretty sure OTK = Not fun, especially when it happens before turn 8 consistently.
There are some really dumb design choices:

  • Lamplighter is able to hit face when its battlecry doesn’t have a damage cap? Why isn’t it minions only? (it’s nice that it’s now 1 mana more… but it’s still stupid when the counter is Dirty Rat or nothing)

  • Who forgot Shroomscavate had windfury removed because it was too strong with charge minions? And then added Sailboat Captain without removing Southsea Deckhand.