2500 armor is insta concede? well not for HysteriA

To be fair this is a classic example of playing an archetype to understand it’s weaknesses, something I always recommend to players who are struggling against a particular deck…….go and play it to understand it’s strengths and weaknesses better. Seems by playing it he’s figured out how to beat it :stuck_out_tongue:

Also i think hes a pretty smart and creative player who is pretty deticated on what he does.

Its always fun to watch him.

The video he did on the 2 cards only brawl made me think why i didnt Ccome up with this stuff

Just had a Druid try to pull it on me.

Unfortunately for him I had gotten Explosive Runes from an Arcane Keysmith earlier in the match and his deck didn’t seem to contain any minions other than Linecracker.

Didnt expected the shuther/mill combo, so glorious

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2500? Pfft, we have a winner:

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Not being funny…….that armor amount was MENTAL!!! But the fact that that hunter STILL beat him??? Well, I’m genuinely lost for words :open_mouth:

What the actuall phhhhhhhhh…

was hoping he’d go face an play misdirection into himself

The Warlock at the end of the video is the real winner though.

I really wanna build this deck but I already have 18 decks