Introducing the Core Set and Classic Format

Introducing the Core Set and Classic Format

Set rotation brings a whole new format, along with major changes for Standard and Wild!

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Great stuff, looks like things will be majorly different from the next expansion, I like it.

And kudos for issuing comms really early :+1:

Hm, I wish they added more deck slots :slight_smile: 27 is nice, but we got Classic mode coming, so three modes competing for 27 slots :slight_smile: I know that it is UI-related problem when taking user experience on tablets into account, but still…

No, I am not complaining :slight_smile:

The great thing about the Core set is that they can remove or add cards during the whole year if they need to (balance issues etc.) without angering people because of wasted dust/gold that much.

Ok, looking forward to seeing the changes go live :slight_smile:

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Yup, things about to get real :grinning:

Everything seems positive, i like it. Let’s see how the experience will be

New cards + New deck recipes = :grinning:

The only concern I have is the balance of the game but it will be enjoyable hopefully.

Yeah, the change of cards, or just even the concept of a “basic set rotation” is what brings me joy. Especially the fact i predicted that they would or should give them free, as they announced, very good for everyone, especially new players. And i’m more happy for the extra 9 slots for decks hahaha always fill my 18 slots easily with all the whacky or fun decks i want to play.
The only mystery is the balance as always, or if the new cards will be cool or how the meta will shift with the introduction of old cards. And sad (but just for now) that Whizbang will remain Wild, cause there might be in the future other similar cards with similar effects (like Zayle, but that was just ugly xD).
Let’s just say that the direction Blizzard is going is positive, and that we appreciate.

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Definitely interesting. I’ll need to wait for some cards lists to see what to do with my 54 classic packs I’ve got saved up :smiley:

Can’t see myself ever playing classic mode, as there’s just nothing to discover there i.e. I’ve played through that meta…even though I could now afford to play wallet warrior :smile:

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I’m a one mode man so I won’t play classic either. Standard all night long.

I won’t be dusting my cards from the rotated sets this time. I am considering starting collecting wild cards again as gold seems pretty good to come by these days. I’ll see how the pricing unfolds, that plan may change if I need the dust.

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Honestly, revisiting the metas of ages past sounds intriguing to me.

I’ll try it out once or twice I think.

Seems like taking 20 steps backwards lol

I just don’t have the time to play different modes and I like to play the new cards and decks so for my play style classic won’t get me off. I can see the appeal though, I’m sure it will bring joy to many a player.

I wonder why they don’t add a tournament mode :thinking:

So here’s a question I’m wondering about.

Upon the release of the Core Set, existing players will be given a copy of all the Core cards, right?
Does this mean that if I already own copies of that card, I will get two additional copies? Or will I only get cards that are at that time missing in my collection?
And in the latter case, does that mean I need to go on a disenchanting spree just before the Core Set releases? Or will this be more like how duplicate protection works: the game tracks that I at one point had the card so I won’t get a new copy even if I disenchanted it later?

I’m not sure, but if i understood you receive the cards you are missing to guarantee you have them all, and when cards become part of that year core set they can’t be disanchanted (like the Classic and Basic cards right now). Not sure if you retain them after they rotate out, or the game automatically knows which one they “borrowed” you and swap them out.

Good question Hugger.

We better keep a close watch as don’t want to miss out on a boat load of dust.

I think you have to look at the Core Set as as new Basic Set: free cards rewarded for leveling of the heroes - quoting from the article:

Like the Basic Set, you’ll earn Core Set cards by leveling up each class.

It has nothing to do with the cards you own. The difference is that you do not “own” those cards - when the Core Set is updated, you may lose access to cards you do not own actually. You can look at them as “proxy” cards.

One question comes to my mind: looks like we might actually “have” four copies of a card: 2x in Core Set an 2x in the “original” set. How this will be handled in deck building? I think it will be the same as with golden cards: just two copies of a card with the same name (or 1 in the case of a legendary card).

Edit: there is one important point for completionist like me: some of the cards will no longer be available from packs, quoting:

Cards that were added to the Classic set later in Hearthstone’s history will not be usable in the Classic format or drop from Classic packs, but will be craftable as part of the Legacy set in Wild.

This means I will probably have to craft Brightwing, because I do not expect it to drop from classic packs before the change goes live :slight_smile: Actually, it is similar to the original Hall of Fame set.

You could DE them but when the core set changes you wouldn’t have the cards for wild and obviously it would cost you 4X the price to get them back. Still might be worth thinking about if there’s some cards you really don’t care about, but essentially you need to think of it as thought the classic and basic set are rotating to wild and what you normally do in those circumstances.

I imagine the deck building issue will be pretty easy as it’ll just be on a separate classic tab as those cards can’t be used elsewhere e.g. like when you build a standard deck, wild card don’t show up. It’ll only be in the collection where you’ll appear to have more copies.

Yeah if I’ve understood everything correctly I need to open up my saved packs to fill in the few epics I still need before they rotate (although I need to have a good look in case there’s something in classic that i wont have due to past card changes).

how awesome is that, me and a friend just talked about how we missed the shadowform for priest, and then they bring it back, i havnt played priest since they took it out, so gonna look forward to that one :sweat_smile:

  • Can I disenchant the Classic format version of a card and keep the version in Wild that’s part of the Legacy Set or vice versa?
    • No. You cannot disenchant or earn these cards separately. While stats, card text, and effects might be different, they are effectively the same card shown in two different ways.
  • Can I disenchant Classic format/Legacy cards?
    • Yes, Classic format/Legacy cards can be disenchanted. But as stated in the answer above, Classic format and Legacy versions of a card are not duplicates of each other; if you disenchant Leeroy Jenkins, he’ll be gone from both your Classic format Collection and Legacy.

I don’t understand why create the Classic mode if there are no ways to effectively filter classic cards. I’ve read and applied steps on forums and reddit, to no success. We can all see the Classic filter but after selecting new deck and the race you can only choose from Standard or Wild. Trying to create a deck starting from play Classic into create deck runs into the same issue. Please fix or just delete Classic format entirely, it just creates frustration and makes players want to delete the game (or at least take Hearthstone name into the desert, if you know what i mean)

Click new deck then on the next screen click the emblem in the top right to change between classic standard wild. Change it to Classic and then choose the hero you want to use.

You can’t convert between standard and the other modes because it uses completely different cards but it’s easy to build one from scratch or edit a classic deck you’ve already made.