Patch 21.0.3 brings updates to Standard and Battlegrounds.
Just saw the card changes and lol’ed.
Mage will still burn face the way they do once their questline is complete and to get that, they still just throw random cards down without any skill involved.
No tactics required, just “quick quick, get quest done so I can go face”
encanters flow alone was not the problem but those ridiculous face damage cards and the frustration is at peak with games against classes that work the same way… puke stuff on board, then end opponent few turns later.
I was REALLY hoping for some good patch which dials down mage, warlock and whatever else can end your existence before turn 8 or 9 but man, guess by the speed they nerf cards I will have to wait at least 2-3 more patches before this mess becomes playable again
Added interactions between Pave the Way (part of the Paladin Questline) and Duels-specific hero powers.
What are those interactions? Already witnessed somebody complete that part of the quest with the 3rd hero power and completed it myself with the 2nd hero power and neither completion had any effect whatsoever, not even a refresh of the hero power for the given turn.
What about Ignite ? Shaman Quest should read, your first spell this turn casts twice not all of your spells.
Let me guess, all these broken cards will follow by a new paid mini expansion with new broken cards, right ? throw away your dev team, bring a new one.
Those nerfs didn’t do anything to quest mage and warlock
Serious this expansion is crap