Patch 21.3 brings updates to Standard, Wild, Battlegrounds, and more!
Most nerfs/buffs are justified but Shudderwock’s nerf makes absolutely no sense. In the meantime, you didnt even bother with Master Nguyen, who’s the most broken Hero right now by a noticeable margin, considering he’s one of the easiest Heroes to play with.
" Master Nguyen
Power of the Storm [Passive]
- Adjusted the odds of hero power offerings (no text changes)."
sik lets hope they nerf quest mage more blud
> additionally, The Demon Seed is now banned in Wild.
Thanks God finally i’ll not have 90% of my wild queue against Questlock
but how you ignored ODD- QUEST/Hunter? is also OP rightnow +65% winratio in over 10k games.
Whyyy banning cards instead of adjusting their value. Seems like they are so lazy to make changes valuable in both standard and wild that it seems like they only care about standard…
“OH hey this card is broken in standard, lets nerf it …but wait in wild is still broken, well lets just ban it who cares”
This is only the second card they ban in Wild.
In both cases if you look at the card, its interactions with other cards in Standard, and its interactions with the much wider range of cards in Wild, I totally agree that any attempt to balance the card for Wild would nerf it into oblivion for Standard.
I actually think that Blizzard, rarely, only if needed, does this proves that they DO care about both formats.
Wow, no more Questlock in Wild. Good tidings.
Nice nerfs, in general.
Just for the achievement, I did manage to climb to Diamond 3 in Wild with that busted deck.
It’s just sad that they didn’t ban seed in standard aswell. That + not making ignite infinite shuffle and we might have a decent meta with illucia finally nerfed (should have been done way earlier in previous xpac though).
I won like 25 games in standard with budget quest shaman. First game after the patch - lost against quest warrior It was obvious. Now all the kids will destroy warlock quest deck and craft warrior quest deck.
Well, nevermind anyway. This game turned into crap long time ago - there’s always one OP deck you just can’t beat no matter what you do. And it’s getting stronger and more ridicolous with every expansion. Oh, and Blizzard has completely gone crazy with the Purified Shard that instantly kills enemy player… No comments.
…have you ever seen the shard played?
Yay I’ve had enough of Shamans and in particular Perpetual Flame, so I hope that’s true and they’re gone.
It’s usually easy enough to beat “the one OP deck” the issue tends to be that if you focus on beating that one deck, you lose to too much else, so it’s not efficient to play it.
The more ridiculous each expansion is fair enough, but this is the first set I can remember totally warping wild because of the quests so to say everything keeps getting stronger is just wrong as older stronger cards were still being used in wild.
are you talking about the warlock questline? It deserved to be banned honestly. As the dev note said, there were way to many low cost self damaging cards in wild. Alot of times it got completed before they even had enough mana to play the reward card.
Honestly they should have done the same with the hunter and warrior questline. Those are just as problematic in wild as the warlock questline. Hunter and warrior questlines can also be done insanely quickly in wild. The warrior one will dominate the field with free damage and free minions on top of the low cost pirate spam they already have. And the hunter is just like the warlock one. With huge amount of spells you can just spam the hero power endlessly
You mean from the priest questline? I have seen it once. But that was only when i did not get my low cost minion cards early on and after that my minions got destroyed by control cards. but yeah you got to be very slow for that to happen and also unlucky for them to draw it early.
shaman and mage questlines are not that hard to deal with in wild tho. They always want to blow their load as soon as possible on anything you play. So if you got some cheap cards to sacrifice or have a hero power like shamans and paladins you can get their hand empthy pretty quickly
Hey Team5, There are tons of unbalanced cards, with this snail paced nerfs you are going nowhere. How about Ignite ?
I would balance Ignite the following way:
Deal 2 damage to a minion. Then shuffle an Ignite into your deck. It deals one more damage.
Your next Ignite may target the opponent.
Repeat the same loop. Deal damage to a minion, then you may target the opponent again.
Conversely, deal 2 damage. If you have Spell Power, shuffle a copy of the spell nto your deck.
Another better idea:
Shuffle an Ignite into your deck, if you cast a different Fire spell on your previous turn.
you maybe playing aggro decks this is why the MM won’t let you playing so often against 10 mana lethal decks,
i play mid-control decks and i have met many Priestquest. yes they are not so popular and less problematic than other quest decks (mages warlocks / hunters/shaman/warrior) but the fact that you can’t counter their reward is annoying. no matter how strong your board is and how many health they have left. 1 card will end the game for 5 mana+anyspell with Alura.
It’s weird to complain about something that kills you 20 turns later than anything else.
The current meta has meant I’ve switched to playing aggro decks when “trying” because the games were ending by turn 8 either way and with midrange/control your dead by that point.
With my fun decks I’ve still never had a Priest play the shard against me. Either I kill them or they kill me before we get there. Hero Power Mage and Big Warrior I think are my 2 current standard decks I’ve got built but it depends on the daily.
HearthStone won’t even start up after patch, sigh…