24.4.3 Patch Notes

24.4.3 Patch Notes

Patch 24.4.3 brings balance changes to Hearthstone and Battlegrounds.

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yeah as expected increasing and decreasing stuff by +1 .

Dear blizzard the fact why theo is a strong card is because his effect to impact combo and finishers not the curve, because he rarely gets played ON curve. and my god can you just actually NERF cards instead of these oh lets remove 1 health and 1 damage.

These are adjustments at best and not really a " nerf" a nerf to the stag would be equip a 2/1 weapon or dormant for 4/5 turns because with the wild seeds spell they can decrease the timers and what not also with stag charge it can start ticking on turn 3 if played on turn 3.

whats a nerf well what you did to snowfall guardian THATS a nerf

Why you guys took so long? Hope changes slow down hunters a bit. They were unbeatable…

Can you check if Tunnel Blaster was accidently removed because there is no way that the one card I need doesn’t show up. Never mind that I was Galakrond and rolled down for it as well. /s

Theotar’s mana cost was never the problem.
its his mechanic tho, too toxic.

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Heads up. This “NERF” did nothing. What a mess. This meta feels like a cracked version of the original game

Beast Hunter was unequivocally the top deck with zero matchups where it wasn’t favourite.

Now it’s a very strong deck in line with the top decks that is marginal underdog in several matchups.

The nerfs actually did a fantastic job in that regard.

Doesn’t mean you can’t want other things hit or think Hunter wasn’t hit hard enough, but to say they did nothing is just factually wrong.

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Hey thanks for improving the game ! Look forward for now stuff