26.6 Patch Notes

26.6 Patch Notes

Prepare for Hearthstone’s next expansion: TITANS!

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So basically this trial of twist is just a more limited wild that pretty much has the same metas as the current standard? Great variation in gameplay. So there is no classic mode or anything like it any more? Guess that is the final nail in the coffin for me when it comes to playing ladder. As if the standard meta wasn’t already boring enough and the wild ridiculous with the neptulon priest ruining it.

The special rules and curated expansion sets make a difference.,and those will change with each season. Imagine a special rule like no Legendaries allowed. There’s a lot of potential.

You won’t meet Astalor in the current iteration of Twist.
I haven’t faced Libram Paladin yet, but Rogue is a good matchup against it.

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What’s up with these 6+ GB updates ? aren’t you adding to the game ? why download the whole thing over and over and over… ?

After the test, Twisted will be swithched back to Classic I think… for a while again. So you can play a little more of it.

No, I would not describe it as such.
The set selection for the current season already makes it very different than both Standard and Wild. And the special rule (“no neutral cards”) affects not only the decks you can and cannot build, but also hugely impacts the pool of cards that can be generated or discovered.
And do not forget that a new set of rules will be introduced after the first full season, so end July / start August. We have no idea yet which sets will be allowed then, and what the special rule will be. However, just by this changing rule alone, the format should see much more and much wilder changes in the meta than any of the other formats.

Does this mean that the mode will be a success? No idea. I think a lot depends on how many streamers decide to switch to Twist. At this time, most of the streamers I watch are more concerned with their end of month spring to try to qualify for Worlds, but I hope to see more Twist gameplay after the month rolls over.

I think it will be hard to attract even less players than the new removed Classic mode. But it remains to be seen whether the amount of extra players in this mode will be enough to warrant the choice to replace Classic with Twist.

Removing the Classic Gamemod is in my opinion the BIGGEST failure you could have done. For me, it was the only reason to play Hearthstone. Now that is gone I have Uninstalled the Game for good. And I will never return. Goodbye Hearthstone.

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Worst patch since release. When you cant imagine the Game getting worse, Blizzard will proof you wrong haha. Dogsh!t game