The age of TITANS is upon us!
Hi, were those cards really necessary for the paladin? :S +2 attack and +1 cost of spells for the opponent lasting 3 turns; not even with a +1 cap to spells up to 10 mana. Effects that can’t even be muted.
Without balancing the cards requested by the whole community before the release of the new expansion.
Yet another missed opportunity and yet another figure.
I would like to mention a ongoing bug that is there for pretty long time now. Halveria darkraven demonhunter hero skin has bugged hero power animation and its showing the bacis animation instead of its custom one. There was nothing about it in the known issues so hopefully someone will notice this.
Wallflower Halveria, right?
From what I can see, this is a known issue which should be corrected in an upcoming update.