Showdown in the Badlands is NOW LIVE!

Showdown in the Badlands is NOW LIVE!

Eureka! Hearthstone’s newest expansion is now live. Chase outlaws and bandits, Excavate new cards, and be quick on the draw in this wild west bonanza!

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Live and already has broken decks. Warlock just transferred 10 of my health to themselves 4 times in 3 turns with no chance for me to remove the card.

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Same here. Every time people complain: Stop printing mana cheat cards - and we get MORE.

Every time people complain: Stop making unbreakable combos - and we get more of them. Now one for 4 mana, so it can be played twice in a turn and it steals life directly, not DAMAGE.

Congrats, Blizzard. Last drop, you know what I mean?