All of Blizzard's mistakes in 1 picture

An absolute joke. Rafaam is a joke. Murlocs are a joke. Amalgam is a joke. Nothing more to say at this point.

Time for a balance patch, straight up. So much potential in Blizzard’s games that’s always wasted by devs who dunno how to balance a simple game. Oh well…


Ever thought about that it may be not so easy?

Im not a dev, game designer or programmer so i wouldnt know.

Its a difference between balancing a game and doing exactly what you want.

Dont get me wrong, i agree partly with whats too strong and should be changed but if xou font enjoy it like apperently you do, then maybe take a break.


Bravo pepsicola :clap: At last one person says balance.
Must be for the whole game :sunglasses:

I think this was a desaster in the making…

Murloc was already a solid tribe before!
But after adding one of the maybe best buff lords on rank 5 you got an insane tribe, that can’t be beaten.
There is only one other minion that isn’t Murloc with poisonous, which is rank 6…
You don’t need to be a genius to see that a tribe that can at least always force a standstill is too good.
In my oppinion it isn’t really Rafaam that is broken but the tribal balance.

Well i agree with the poison thing

The lord isnt even that much of a problem

The battlecry is a onetimer and the deathrattlle goes away each round.

But poison AND Ds is what makes it disgusting

Abd that comes grom someone who loved that tribe before the first buff

I think the lord is a problem too!
Since played well it grants +8/+8 easily to the whole board before the deathrattle!
With itself beeing a solid creature statwise.

And it shows that Blizzard isn’t really aware which tribal needs to be pushed and in which direction.

At the moment there just isn’t a reason not to try to force Murlocs, since anything else is outplayed in the mid-late game.

Well its mot as high of a problem as poison Ds

Atm id rather get rid of poison tgan the lord.

Also the fact that basicly everyone and their mother is going for murlocs makes the tribe worse because its easy to empty the pool for everyone

It was just an example of pushing a good tribe that already didn’t need any support! :wink:
So the lord can stay but add toxifin to maybe a 5 or even 6 star rank!
And give Maxxena down to 5 stars with Mechs staying as they are maybe?
Demons are fine too, since the new minion is really good!

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Sounds reasonable

Maybe just take the toxifin out of the discovery pool

Why would i take a break though? i adore BGs, even ditched Classic Hearthstone for it :smiley: My problem isnt Murlocs. I love Murlocs. My problem is Blizzard’s mentality. They tend to ignore community’s feedback and try their own random stuff.

Thats not the case. Murlocs are indeed broken, to the point any other combo stands no chance, Meta is very one-sided atm. Also yeah, maybe its hard to balance Classic Hearthstone for example, due to the massive card pool. BGs on the other hand are simple. Theres only 4 tribes to balance around, Demons, Beasts, Mechs, Murlocs.

Demons got buffed by 10% while Murlocs were buffed by 100%. That just doesnt feel right =/

ok thats fine then

i just assumed (wrongly) that oyu dont because you write a lot of requests (maybe complaints)

dont assume just because there are low tribes its easy to balance tough

i mean i dont think that it cant be (i mean im not a developer so i really dont know how easy it would be or how many points i would miss)

but like in overwatch, every patch you have other heroes get silent nerfed just because when something is made weaker, somethign else gets automaticly stronger again

Agreed but their biggest mistake was that they nerfed A.F.Kay, Patchwerk, Rat King, etc. AND at the same time released an op hero, so the “something else gets automatically stronger” effect was doubled.

In future patches, they plan to add more Tribes like Elementals, Pirates and Dragons. If they cant balance 4, what makes you think they’ll balance 7? Obviously, a perfectly balanced Meta will never happen, but now we’re on the other edge, where Murlocs and Rafaam beat the rest by huge margins.

where did i say i think they can balance 7?

i didnt even know about elementals and pirates but im VERY happy to hear that

i mean im probalby not the best example because what i enjoy goes over meta for me personally

also i know what you mean for RIGHT NOW

im not going so far and suggest that everythign we have now will be op for tribes which will be added to the game in the future

elementals will all have a battlecry i assume … lets see what happens

I enjoy murlocs too but i was talking more about diversity. Right now, there’s a huge power gap between Murlocs and the other Tribes. This sucks for 2 reasons:

1.) Games get stale fast. When the first 3 people die, the rest are plain Murlocs, or once in a blue moon a mix of Menagerie and Murlocs.

2.) Since minion pool is shared, ranking will be heavily determined by who gets the most Murlocs first. If by any chance you happen to reroll no Murlocs and others grab them first, thats it, ure screwed. There’s not much you can do, other than maybe going for a ‘safe’ Demon/Soul Juggler build, which can get you to spot 4, or even 3 with a little bit of luck.

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I don’t think you’re seeing the big picture. If Doom in the Tomb event wasn’t such a huge disaster, would players welcome BGs with such open arms? A lot of players said that the meta before the event was quite enjoyable but it became soul-crushing when Evolve came back to Standard, to the point where they were desperate for a new mode and some of them quit HS until next expansion.(which isn’t so bad considering they didn’t farm any gold for packs so they will buy them with money).
Now back to BG. With the new expansion going live, how many are playing with the new cards? Pretty much everyone if you take a look on Twitch. And the fact that BG is in a bad state will make sure the new expansion will be fully digested.
Now tell me: should Blizzard take any actions considering that players are focusing their attention where Blizzard wants them to?
I personally believe they will make some changes a few weeks after they release the new adventure mode.

Remove poison, problem solved. Only murlocs can have it so it’s unfair. They would still be very strong, but not as game-breaking.

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The meta was enjoyable because it wasnt around for very long.

And quite a lot of players complained about quest shaman.

Ofc evolve was a disaster but those cards were around for like 2 thirds of the last expansion.

Imo a mistake to beginn with

Also the reason the new expansion was disgested was because it was a new expansion

Everyone loves to play with new toys.