BG - The struggle is real

I like BG, I don’t play a huge amount but pre-elementals I was 8.7k. The reset happened and I climbed back up to 7.1k - All good! However, over the course of a week I’ve lost 1000 rating and now at 6.1k.

I honestly have no idea what I’m doing differently, apart from Djinni nothing has really changed and yet nothing I try seems to work, and when I got offered good heroes I seem to get high rolled. Things were summed up when I took 29 dmg on turn 7 from someone with 2 sneeds, the first summoned a Baron and the 2nd a Foe Reaper and the Baron proc summoned… another Foe Reaper.

I want to keep playing, I’m watching top streamers play and trying to work out what I’m doing wrong but honestly the struggle is far too real right now.

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From this last update every play mode is broken,unbalanced and more or less pure gaming horror.