Classic is flooded with bots

I have started climbing classic this month to reach legendary. At least 70% of the opponents seems to be using automation / bots in EU region.
They almost all seem to play very similar charge / face damage decks.
Their name is usually not purposefully chosen, but are random characters, so likely are throw-away accounts.

Since the mechanics and cards played look very similar, can’t you filter out and mass-ban these accounts?

There are a lot of non-sensible plays which gives away that they are not actively playing, such as:

  • playing a coin and not doing anything, or not using up the extra mana, typically turn 1 coin then a 1-mana card

  • playing bloodlust or similar cards when they clearly have nothing on the board

  • they rarely trade-hit minions on board, or do not trade for minions who actually pose a threat (they almost never take down my Wild pyromancer, with which I can wipe 2-3 turns of their complete board)

  • they play all their cards, before conceding if my board is lethal. They do not recognize non-winnable situations early on

  • playing an Animal companion and not realizing it has Charge so it does not attack ???

  • their card back is almost always the classic, the yellow gears, or the new expansion blue-colored card back

There seems to be a pattern, mostly Asian players on EU servers seem to use it. Like my last opponent here had the same face deck, but some bots seem to spice it up with class-specific face damage cards. Like Rogue with Sinister strike, Warrior with Warsong commander to get charge, etc.

Look at this replay, it is ridiculous:
hsreplay net /replay/95r8NFXs4bjuACoh396LfQ
Couple more:
hsreplay net /replay/8FfHZk49hYA5ZAmYAMmXcS
hsreplay net /replay/DRGnpzHVNbjWvCxiiQKFQD
hsreplay net /replay/5nGedcYAduQ5ig7fwAY9qx
hsreplay net /replay/gMfUePB7z6iYrihd8mPrth

I am getting a lot of win streaks against these bots with a control priest, however, it is no fun to see no variety of decks which I am playing against. Are you aware of this issue?

Cards they use: Wisp, Murloc raider, Stonetusk boar, Bluegill warrior, Razorfen hunter, Shattered sun cleric, Sen’jin shieldmaster, Chillwind yeti, Stormwind champion, ACidic swamp ooze, Wolf rider, Frostwolf warlord, Grimscale oracle, Raid leader, Magma rager, Nightblade, Reckless rocketeer, Bloodfen raptor, Novice engineer.

For class-specific cards I have seen: Bloodlust, Kor’kron elite, Shield block, Sinister strike, Fireball, Arcane missile, Animal companion, Multishot.

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