Comjures calling is broken

Mage is not tier 1. Cyclone Mage is currently tier 3, Dragon Mage is bottom of tier 2, only slightly better

in addition to Rayven’s post: VS has conjurer ‘specters’ mage as T3 with 48.48%

as i’m playing mage.

messenger raven into khadgar.
played force tank-max.
opponent (paladin) sets it atk to 1.
my turn, i play khadgar, use conjurers calling on my force tank, i get 2 gruuls, 2 sneeds old shredder.
Opponent concedes, easiest win of my life.

as i was saying, shut up if you think there is nothing to change, i also won by using conjurers calling on a oppoonents taunt minion to make way for my minions to go face, yeah, you can use this card on opponents minion too.
(this was in the arena, good luck to the opponents, they’re gonna need it).

Just to show you that a lot more could be done by your opponent, and a lack of information you provide does not help either.

Yes conjurer’s calling is a powerfull card and is considered a tier 1 card in arena.
and right before the update happened with hearthstone i faced a mage that used 4x conjurer’s calling but i had already a board developed to deal with this so in the end i won that match up but he used it on a 6 cost minion , but to be fair we where at 3-1.

so what did your paladin opponent play ?

ok , anything more got played from him ? we need some more information.

Yeah i faced a lot of conjurer’s calling to in arena and sometimes it can be overwhelming like your turn was and a equality could screw you over.

But you just give a example now of a really powerfull swing in arena with khadgar that wont even happen that often.

by the lack of information that you provided it seems that you already where controlling the board state.

right now ? no not even in arena, next rotation ? maybe if it seems broken with new cards.
and if you use it on your opponents minions then you already where threatening lethal.

no you shut up… , blizzard already stated that they would buff certain cards
instead of nerfing ones this time , it is already been done now and now they will look at the results because of it.

and to be honest with you , you only sound like a fool to me.

This is my biggest argument when people complain about conjurers calling. Everyone points out that ONE instance where it’s pulled off for a huge swing, but nobody seems to mention that this happens in probably 1 in 5 or 6 games at best. I’ve played this deck and it’s not terrible, but it suffers awfully from bad card draw. When it first came out I tried it in casual and lost 4-5 games in a row trying to pull off the combo. Mech hunter destroys it

I think that the power level of some cards is far too powerful and can leave you and your opponent in a situation where the game can be decided.

I have posted before about Conjurers which resulted in basically saying that the power level of some cards is out of whack and can ultimately win the game, Conjurers is basically one of these cards much like Chef Nomi, Catrina Muerte, Edwin, and some others which if you do not have an answer in time they can run away with the match for you by themselves.

Nomi you should have answers for but answers for Edwin, Catrina (I have added Catrina to this list due to the match I just had 2 x Owls, 2 x Faceless as a Druid I have 0 transform effects so I cannot deal with Catrina and mess up the “resurrection pool”. (I dont include Tinkmaster as it,s unreliable).

This is where HS needs to change I feel, There should not be cards that some classes purely cannot deal with whilst others will have a much easier time as this causes an imbalance in how the classes can approach some cards.

Now I am not claiming these cards are OP just that the power that they can provide in some circumstances is plain stupid now I know the whole argument of “Your opponent has to draw them in time to use them” but does this turn the game into a “Who draws first wins??” much like a coin toss because your opponent draws Edwin and a few 0 cost cards and you do not draw a silence its an instant win which was uncounterable. I feel it is these games which cause the most rage and can ruin the experience of HS for some people.