Control Warrior - Rank 5 to high Legend guide

Disclaimer: I know some people despise CW (looking at you HeroFreddy and Sheercold ;p) but i think its a deck that definitely worths trying, for anyone who considers himself a Control player.


winrates & class presentations:

deck code:


Q: Why to play Control Warrior?
A: Cause its fun, fast paced and cheap, considering ~ 70% of the deck are cards from RoS, which most of you guys already have, and the other 30% are Commons and Rares from SoU.

Q: Is it worth crafting though?
A: Hell yeah! It performs exceptionally against most decks, except Quest Paladin.

Q: But why Azalina?
A: Cause she rocks! She lets you play the Tempo and Value game at the same time. Empty your hand, then refill it with Azalina. Especially against Big Mage, she may even steal 1 mana Alexstraza, Antonidas, Giants, CC, Yogg’s Boxes and many more. Against Control Warrior, she steals Elysiana AND anything else like Devastators, Brawls, PoW, Armagedillo, etc. Against Quest Shaman, she steals Shudderwock, Earthquakes, Swampqueen Hagatha an so on.

Quick Mulligan Guide:

vs Murlodin:

Ezpz. Keep Warpath and Brawl for double Tip The Scales, and Towncrier / Restless Mummy to clear their Murlocs inbetween. Make sure to save second Brawl or second Warpath + Plague of Wrath for Nomi.

vs Combo Priest:

CP snowballs too fast, thus you need to clear every minion before its too late. Keep Towncrier, Eternium Rover + Shield Slam and Restless Mummy. Keep their minions damaged if possible for Plague of Wrath. PoW is the true mvp. Dont hesitate to use it even if there’s only 1 big, buffed minion on board that’s a serious threat. PoW carries games!

Vs Aggro Rogue:

Play for Tempo. Keep Towncrier, Eternium Rover, Snip-Snap, Resteless Mummy. Dont hesitate to drop Devastator on curve or even use Assembly on turn 1, if no other plays are available. Dont get greedy and fight for board control.

Vs Secret Hunter:

Same case with Rogue. Aim for board presence, even if that means spending your mana not optimally. Dropping an 1-drop on turn 2 instead of using Hero Power lets you trade their 1 health minions or triggering their Freezing Traps. If youre ahead on board, DONT attack if theres Explosive Trap equiped. Let them play some minions and do the trades instead. Dont play more than 2 cards a turn if Rat Trap is equiped, unless you can pair your plays with a juicy SS for the rat. If you dont, you may just lose the game. Give Huntard free Tempo and its over.

Vs Quest Druid:

Easy matchup. Abuse the fact they spend their first 4-5 turns suboptimally and build a descent board even if that means playing Zilliax on curve. They’ll be back after turn 6, but at that point you’ll have every single removal on hand. Devastator on curve, if needed, to push them.

vs Quest Shaman:

Mulligan for Dr. Boom, Towncrier, Eternium Rover, Restless Mummy and Warpath. This is a VALUE game after they complete the quest, thats why you need to equip Dr. Boom asap. Till then, clear their sh!t and do value trades since they run no cheap aoes to get you punished (except that 2/2 which they use after the quest anyway).

Vs Big Mage:

Keep Supercollider for Giants, Dr. Boom, Towncrier, Flunky. Thats a tricky matchup. Generally, they’ll try to burn you down with 1 mana Alex and Fireballs obtained from Antonidas, thats why you gotta keep your health as high as possible. Keep a Brawl for Phaoris. Keep coin if possible for Counterspell. Another good strategy is to play as agressively as possible, and then Azalina their hand (after Antonidas) and burn them down with their own Fireballs.

Vs Zoolock:

Ez game. Keep dem 1 drops and a Brawl for turn 5. Use Shield Slam their minions for Tempo, even if its a 2/2. Good thing with Zoolocks is that they dont have much burn, thus you can let them overextend on board and then use your AoEs.

Vs Control Warrior (mirror):

Keep Dr. Boom, Towncrier and Shield Block. You need to reach fatigue about 2 turns earlier before they do, so you drop Azalina and steal their Elysiana. Other than that its a value game. The one who equips Boom faster and highrolls the most DDs, wins.

Note: For the past ~3 days ive seen no CW warrs on my bracket except me. People are trying Priest, Mage, Rogue and Hunter. what a great chance to get those juicy wins! Enjoy fellow value players ^^

how to use that deck code please?i wanted to check if i have cards for it,but no idea how to get to see the deck . thanks for anyone who can enlighten me:)


thank you mate

EDIT: I actually crafted boom armagedildo and azallina to try this deck out, I’ll use them in many decks from now on so it’s not a bad craft by me, maybe if I get 100% winrate from rank 18 to 1 legend blizz will nerf it, plus I can craft an infinity of warrior decks now that I have this auto win card

  1. Copy the code
  2. Open Hearthstone
  3. Go to ‘My Collection’
  4. A window will ask you whether you want to create the deck you copied
  5. Press ‘yes’
  6. Profit

@Sheercold maybe Boom will rotate prematurely, idk. I hope not tho, i dont wanna spend 20k Dust to craft Big Mage lul, at least CW is budget.

Update: Added winrates and Class percentages.

  • Big Mage indeed seems to be a tricky matchup. I guess its due to the fact, most games i had, all highrolled LPG by turn 5.

  • Eventhough Paladin seems to have a negative wr (48%), thats due to the fact of Quest Paladin to Murlodin ratio which was about ~ 3/7, which sets the winrate against Murlodins to about ~ 68.5%. The rest are all over 60% too.

Conclusion: Control Warrior is a very, very solid deck to play in the current Meta.

conrgratz. do you have replacement for weapon? i do not have supercolide but i have everything else. i am low on dust. can i replace it for safeguard or bone wraith? thank you. rank 3 by the way.

Is this Standard or wild?

Standard ofcourse :smiley: Warrior and Wild dont go together :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks mate. No, neither SG nor BW work. Supercollider is a tech for Mage’s MG+CC combo. A good replacement would be a second PoW. Mage can flood the board with big minions so easy, also they 're Tier 1 which means you’ll happen to see them often on Ladder, thats why SC is included. If you dont wanna spend Dust at all, then add Execute. Half the times, Mages tend to play MG for ‘tempo’, then doing a value trade and then CC their giant. Thats a good chance from your side to use Execute on their MG (after trading one of your minions to damage it) to deny CC value.

there are ways to win, and then there are garbage ways to win, playing warrior is a garbage way :slight_smile:

Players within Legend Ladder dont even play Control Warrior. For the past 5 days ive seen literally 0 Control Warriors except from myself. I could post statistics, games from hsreplay, top players’ Meta reviews but i wont bother spending time on clowns. gtfo my thread now pls.

thank you. execute looks like a good alternative. golden copy ofcourse because we are warrior fanboys :smiley:

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@Nickler unfortunately nerfs dont look good :frowning: Boom at 9 will be too slow. Hunter was already doing great vs Warrior and that matchup was about equiping Boom ASAP if you wanted a chance to win, soooo… =/

climbed to top 300 ( but still i can tell it wasnt easy, Mages highroll too much, Hunters are too flexible… and Warrior? Warrior straight falls to Tier 2… rip