Dead people in battlegrounds coming back to life

I was playing battlegrounds, and one player died but it looked like he was still alive, when I got matched up against him, I would be fighting kel’thusad. In the end it was just me, him and another player. When I killed the other player, the game ended and I was in second place.
This has happened to me three times in the past two days.

That’s how it works when there is an odd number of players left, someone gets matched against Kel

I think you misunderstood me.
The dead guy was the one who got first place.
When I hovered over his icon on the left, he had 7 health, but when I fought against him, I was fighting Kel’Thusad, as if the guy was dead.

And when it was just me and him, the game ended even though it looked like he was still alive.

I experienced this aswell 2 times in the past days. First round DC’ed people won the game.

Going to add my experience.
Happened to me just now. Fought against Illidan, ended the match, and was still matched against Illidan, but there was still the icon of a third player. Hovering over him he had 7hp, but he actually was dead and me and Illidan were the only two remaining. When i lost, the game said i arrived third, but that isn’t true.
Just wanted to add my experience and hope this issue will be fixed in the future.