Face Hunters everywhere

Okay. Rather exceptional given the actual overall rate of Face Hunter on ladder, but random can be weird sometimes.

Many (not all) decks have some cards that, when in opening hand, are an instant win. In the case of aggro that instant wins plays out different (and often faster) then in the case of control decks. But no deck will ever counter the “god draw” of their opponent deck.

They actually do a lot. I have seen videos from pro players where they talk about the decision making in face hunter. That was the “old” ace hunter, from the GvG days when there were far less counters and about as much negativity about the archetype as now. What I learned from watching that: playing Face Hunter well requires a lot of smart decision making.

Calling people sheep is often done when people blindly, without though, follow someone else, or follow an example.
But there are also people who look at what is available, and use that after critically assessing whether they agree.
So when someone plays a deck that you somehow determine to be a copied deck (which in itself is already a leap of assumption), then how do you know whether it was blindly copying the first deck they found, or researching dozens of decks to copy the one that suits the player best?

Yup. I do it all the time. I happen to be house hunting right now. I know that there are people better at assessing houses, values, and hidden problems than me. So I have hired an estate agent to accompany me when looking at houses, and give me advice.
Some people might think I’m stupid for not doing that myself. I think I am smart for realizing where my strengths and weaknesses are and using resources I can find to compensate for my weaknesses.

“Seeing no effort” is a huge assumption on your part. I think it might be partially right at ranks 15-20, where you’ll find the casual players who sometimes spin up for a game or two, just to kill some time.
Above rank 15, and even more above rank 10, you’ll only find people who invest the time and effort to get good enough to get better, then play enough games to actually earn those stars. They may not invest their effort in deckbuilding, like you do, but they still invest a lot of effort.

It’s a preference of play style. If you read other topics here, you’ll find people who don’t understand why there are people who “waste time on games that last more than 15 minutes, if you can spend 2 or 3 games in the same time”.
I personally enjoy control more than aggro. But by just reading here and taking people’s messages seriously, I do understand that some people just want a quick game.

… and yes, that’s a valid reason too. Climbing goes faster with decks that win fast or lose fast.

Perhaps BECAUSE they are not stupid and realize that decks made by pro players are better then what they can design?
Or, perhaps BECAUSE they are not stupid, so when they think long and hard to figure out the best deck, there choices match the choices made by other people who are also not stupid?
Or, perhaps BECAUSE they are not stupid, they made a deck with a few original twists, but those cards were not played in the match they had against you?

Maybe. Maybe not.
Either way, I fail to see how that would be relevant to this discussion.


Hard to reply on so many point you give as forum is new and english isnt my mother language.

I see from your answers that you are smart guy. But you are missing the point as you compared it to estate agent.
But lets use that. It is smart to hire an agent, i did it too. But even with agent you have to be critical and think by your own what you hear or close your eyes and buy first house which has been on sale 5 years, not wondering why dont it sell… Estate agent was bad example. Anyway gl on hunting.

Lets take example from my work. I have been tutoring new employees couple of years. Usually they all watch me open eyes like what i do next. I keep saying think what you want to happen and then what you have to do to get that happen, then repeating think again. Its faster if i say what they need to do, but they have to figure it out themself as i cant be there forever and these couple of years has shown me that everyone just cant think by self and they can find another job.

And this might be just my problem, maybe i demand too much from people.

let me ask you flat out then: what about those, who have fun playing hearthstone, but don’t have fun building decks and therefor download deck lists?

why do you think that they can’t build decks / aren’t intelligent (enough)?

why should everyone try to make decks, even if they don’t enjoy it?

yes, there is at least a small possibility of this. doesn’t change anything in my opinion.


Too bad that, after I responded to all your points, you responded to just one of mine and ignored all the rest.

I don’t think I am. I think you are missing mine.

  • For judging houses, my skills are lacking, so I am smart to bring someone who is more skilled at that then I am.
    This compares to players who are not good at deckbuilding but still enjoy playing the game. And might even be good at it. Using other people’s decks is not a sign of stupidity for these people.
  • For investing money, I am quite smart and can do a lot of stuff if I choose to, but I am not top notch, so I am smart enough to not just do what I think, but to listen to expert advice, then choose to follow it but with some changes to better reflect my personal investment style.
    This compares to players who have some skill at deckbuilding but realize that there are decks on the internet that they can use as a starting point. They’ll use their skills to tweak the deck, but the base will remain the same. Using a known good starting point is not a sign of stupidity for these people.
  • I also pay someone to clean my house. This is a task I could easily do myself. I just absolutely hate doing it, and I’m lucky that I can afford to pay someone else to do it for me.
    This compares to players who have may or may not have skill at deckbuilding, but who just don’t like it. They just want to play, so they use decks built by others and available on the internet. Choosing not to spend time on a task you dislike (and can avoid) is not a sign of stupidity for these people.

Your example about tutoring employees is not valid. This is for tasks they WANT to do. (Or perhaps prefer not to but they want to keep their job and hence accept that they HAVE to do it).
Deckbuilding it never a task you HAVE to do. So if you don’t WANT to do it either, why bother?

I’m not saying everyone should make own deck, there is difference between everyone and most/part/some makes deck.
I’m not including someone made deck if 28/30 cards are same but 4/4 taunt switch to 4/5 taunt as it doesnt change anything.
If i play shudderwock ofc i have same cards as others cuz i need to get quest done, but there is multiple cards that i’ve not seen anyone else use or on net sites and those cards makes my deck synergy totally different.

What you asked. It’s okay to use that pre deck or even net deck if you feel so. My point is here that “everyone” uses that copy and “no one” makes own deck. Its fine if you or him or 100 other guys doesnt want to make deck, but seems like “no one” likes to make deck… See the difference?

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I remember when I played versus a priest who pulled off some Raza-Majordomo combo 2 years ago.
Only game ever I didn’t know exactly what deck opponent was playing.

So I agree with everything you say, but I’d swap the word ‘stupid’ for boring. So incredibly boring.

Nobody here has issues with you saying that more people should build creative decks. That’s a valid opinion to have, just as long as you realize that it’s not going to happen (unless you invent a way to mass mind control).

What I (and, I think, others) have issue with is your claim that people copying decks “… has no brain function …”, are “… fxxxing stupid …”, etc.

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No. I don’t understand how this:

becomes this:

just because “no one” likes to make their own decks.

However, reading your posts again and looking back at our conversation I believe that you were just ranting and taking those stupidity-things at face value was a mistake.


I’m sorry that i ignored most of your arguments, bit busy and small screen on phone makes this annoying.

My example was about that person has to think what buttons he has to push to move object from a to b.

But we cant compare buying house and card game, as we all spent time on this game smaller or higher ammount of time, atleast we spent time playing so we should know something about this and creating decks. I’m talking amout common sense, not specialization for houses or investing.

And i already used that example what you said about some skill on deckbuilding. If you change 4/4 taunt to 4/5 taunt its basicly the same and doesnt change game play but if i use some deck base (having couple must have battlecry cards) i use multiple cards that changes the gameplay totally. Why i said that? If there is that face hunter and you just switch 3/1 charge to 5/2 charge it didnt change anything.

Btw. Why you think that cannot happen?

I agree that emotions effected to my words.

I dont really mind if someone doesnt want to make deck, but when it goes where no one makes its dissapointing. I’m not rageing about single player, when it turns to huge group im rageing.
Im not showing it well, but as i rage i try support people to be creative lol.

Anyway i dont eat my words about those aggro players. I’m more creative person, i do my own things on game and RL and i will never understand those players.

So, what is the cutoff point where you switch from “this change does not take skill” to “I made this change so I am a very skilled deckbuilder”?

Because people are not going to stop playing the game they enjoy in the way they enjoy it because you tell them that they should enjoy something else.

Or, put in another way, when someone says they spent hours and hours to learn how to play a meta deck and counter every other deck, and then they hate when someone comes with a completely unknown deck that they don’t know how to counter, they are stupid for not understanding how to play meta decks, and they should stop doing that and play HS the way they like it … would you read that and go “yeah, they’ve got a point, I’ll stop building decks now”? Or would you say “whether you like it or not, I like the game this way and I’m not going to change that just because it suits you better” ?


My opinion is that switching dmg 1 spell to dmg 2 spell isnt huge or changes deck at all or any minor changes that does same thing but has different name. Good example is return minion to your hand, it can be 2 mana or X mana with +2/2. (That card isnt used in combo, just returning purpose in this situation)

When you add multiple cards that changes how deck is played or what it does you have made something. Thats just how i see it.

I didnt understand everything from that bottom part as my bad english sorry.
So what you think? What is the reason that most of the players copy their deck or choose to play aggro and enjoy those turn 4-7 wins? They play like 6-10 cards of 30.

Its perfectly human to have a rant now and then.

I do it all the time but i dont share it usually

But if You call what wrote trying to support people to make their own stuff then there is another skill you can focus on.

Delivering a message.

It will help you be taking more seriously and you will get far more support if possible.

Also your last point in the last post…

You really think that only face hunter player copy a deck?

How about

Big Priest which wins on turn 5 by getting barnes into yogg into yogg

Cubelock which cheates out demons like Voidlord which are mostly a chinese Wall for aggro

Freezemage which hides behind an incredible amount of freeze spells, naking sure your
gameplan is meaningless just to kill you in an extra turn and also hiding behind iceblock

Tauntdruid back in the day which didnt ecen try to win until you could cube that deathrattke spider.

You think all of those thousends of people playing those decks came up with it themselve?

I mean when i fight a controlldeck for 30 min its far easier to see that the list is nearly always the same as when i loose against 6 aggro cards on turn 5

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I’m very aware that i have some issues how i explain myself :smiley: Atleast when i get pissed of people which is very common.

There was two separate things copying and choosing aggro.

I do remember cubelock and tauntdruid, both decks i managed to make better versions that won most of time except if my cards was bottom 5 ofc…

As i have been saying this is old problem for me.

Just dont take this as a rant about xour english pls.

If all read like i wrote the part with the message in a calmer voice then the one with the netdecking :slight_smile:

I do Get what you mean but it really read like netdecking is only bad when aggro does it :slight_smile:

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I’m against netdecking no matter what type is it.
Also i dont understand why anyone plays aggro that has to win in 4-7 turns

well i for example jsut enjoy overpowering my opponent in sheer force

i dont have to win in between turn 4-7

I prefer Tempo Decks wich do have the potential to win very early but also have a way to outplay/overwhelm my opponents in the lategame

This weekend i had a game where my opponent (Reno Warlock) had me on my toes and i won against him the turn after getting one dmg from fatigue just because my Deck still was able to pull it off

ofc its fun to win very fast rather then getting outgrinded by for example mechathun warlock …

i dont understand how its enjoyable to sit and do nothign other then prevent dying and then play the combo on the last possible move.

there you have it

different people different preferences

have a good one

I don’t understand why anyone would listen voluntarily to Death Metal.
Some of my friends, in return, don’t understand my taste in music at all.


To be fair, there is some really bad Death Metal. Especially the ones where everything is just screaming or growling noises rather than actual lyrics.


Face hunters everywhere, 100% winrate vs mage and rogue.

Ps: face hunter everywhere