Hearthstone Beta

So,like the title says,i wanna know when Hearthstone will be out of beta.It’s been 7 years,isnt it time already?
Jokes aside,when United in Stormwind got released,people complained a lot,and they were all right.
The “nerfs” barely scratched the surface and we continue to suffer with Mages and Warlocks.
Actually,for my ranks that i usually can reach -Diamond 10 to 3- its hella worse: 8 out of the 10 games is mages over and over,its a dull boredom.Blizzard doesnt give a sh!t at all and thats a fact,they only care to release more and more shop stuff and the Merc mode,prolly thinking they can hide their failure behind that.
Sad,pure sad from a player that started back in the mid 2015.

I know you’re trying to be funny and have some valid complaints, but it doesn’t really work when you started playing after the games full release :laughing:

blud let us be real tea for a second…mage needs nerf, blud.