How exactly do triplets interact with the pool?

1.) What happens when you get a golden minion? Are the 3 ‘components’ returned to the shared pool, or do they secretly stay with you?

2.) When you sell a golden minion, how many copies of the initial minion enter the pool?

3.) When you discover a Murloc through Primalfin Lookout, is it from the shared pool or does the game generate a brand new copy that very moment? What happens when you sell it back? Does it increase the copies of that minion in the pool by 1 or it doesnt enter the pool at all?

Any clarification is much appreciated. Thanks.

you should ask this on reddit. the devs actually post there. all you get here are gems like:

if a golden minion binds (and thus contains) the 3 regular minions, selling it would have to release the 3 regulars back into the pool, else it would delete them.

I see… guess i wont be touching Pogos again till the mystery is solved! :smiley: Thanks for the reply.

If you go on reddit and get an answer pls post it here.

I have no idea about reddit and would like to know as well


Isn’t it a pain in the buttock that the Devs post in a forum that isn’t their own offical one but instead ignore it? :roll_eyes::rofl:


They answer in the us one. Not in europe

At least something? xD