Hs 2019 what a great game!

Nobody said you lie.

People said youre wrong. Also you may missremember stuff.

Its human. Its normal. Deal with it

I’m not the one who’s coming back with stupid insults to everyone who replies, I’m the one trying to logically figure out what happened…so who’s the stupid kid really?

I’d also like to point out that IF the rogue SOMEHOW managed to get their hands on Aviana, a very specific card that is extremely difficult for a rogue to guarantee to get…especially when not playing against druid, as you claim…SOMEHOW managed to get that on the board and SOMEHOW draw 10 cards so that they could take advantage of Aviana to fill the board with big minions that…let’s be honest, rogues don’t usually fill their deck with…then you’re talking about a one in a thousand combo that nearly almost NEVER happens and crying about how broken the game is because ONE person managed to pull this off and you’ll likely never see it again EVER…….and yet you’re calling me the child???

Go and take a good hard look at your life

My post was about how garbage is this game. You all know that there are overpowered cards and you just talking about a wrong word that i said. You are all suckers here, you trying to find something wrong to someone that talkign about your garbage game. He said that this card doesn’t exist when there are cards that can do it. So what we are talking about now?

You trying to be smart here and you are all trollers. The game is garbage, what you don’t understand? There are combos that can do tons of damage in one turn. If you weren’t trollers, the topic should be over. You keep posting again and again to proove me wrong? The card exist, yu are all noobs here, you only play with paid decks.

I’m actually now stuck on trying to work out why we are the ones acting like children? And that is all just from your last post…god knows how many other instances of tantrums there are in all your other responses

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So the game is garbage, pay to win and rng luck depended.

Yet you play it and post about it in the game forum.

I’m not saying you shouldn’t, but that for all the flaws this game has or supposedly has, it still keeps you entertained :wink:

Who is acting like a children you moron kid? You keep saying the same thing again and again 3 hours now, in order to proove me wrong. You said the card doesn’t exist and all this kind of bulsh*t without even know what are you talking about since the cards exist. Then you keep talking trying to be smart. You were wrong too that the card doesn’t exist and you still keep trying to find a way to be smart.

Add me we can talk better in private, because here you think you are smart with all those troller fanboys defending you.


I think you just answered your own question right there :joy:

I keep saying the same thing because you KEEP coming back with insulting responses and saying I’M the child

Why would I want to add such a disrespectful, insulting person to my friends list? If you’re not the one in the wrong, why so eager to hide behind private messages instead of a public forum where the whole world can see just how insulting and disrespectful you are being?

We are not going to be friends, that’s for sure. Add me and talk like a man, not hiding behind community fanboys. Also, you keep coming back too. I will not answer if you stop it. Just stop it or add me. It is getting annoying.

I’m not hiding behind anyone, right here…in the open, where everyone can see I’m not the one being insulting and disrespectful :slight_smile:

I will not waste my time with a kid that don’t even have balls. You are not a man. If you ilike add me, otherwise you are not smart here when there are 10 friends of you denfind you.

Good afternoon

Who said I’m even a man? For all you know I could be a woman…did that ever cross your mind? Besides I’m not hiding, I’m right here. And nobody is defending me, I’m perfectly capable of standing up for myself………you’re just creating illusionary arguments

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Alright what exactly do you want here? You said that the card doesn’t exist and indeed it exists. What else you want?

I still have to meet someone who is not disturbed by bad luck, so we should be not too surprised by the occasional overreactions of players who flipped, although I agree that logically, it doesn’t make any sense to come here and complain since there is nothing to complain really.

The game has little to be criticised, once agreed that it heavily depends on luck by design (think of a card like “Brawl”, for example), regardless the circus around the “pro” tournament may occasionally pretend the contrary.

The game is not chess, and its players are not grand-masters. It is more like Texas Holdem and, yes, that game also has a community that occasionally pretend their game being “like chess”.

So the really interesting topic about the game is if its users would actually prefer it being stirred by card design more toward chess (however unreachable in terms of fairness because of the presence of a shuffler) rather than past beyond Texas Holdem, aiming to reach the status of a slot machine.



What I want is…
a) You to stop insulting people and maybe try talking to people who were coming back with GENUINE responses with a little bit of respect
b) You to actually realise you’re claiming the game is broken because one person got an EXTREMELY lucky combo
c) Realise that, if you’re not happy playing this game, then it’s not for you and you should probably go and play something else instead.

I gotta be honest with you…90% of the other players really don’t care what you have to say, especially the way you’ve been acting. If you come on here with a GENUINE problem, most of us will try and help if we can, but with the way you’ve been acting it’s no surprise people have been reacting to you badly…which you’ve only made worse by acting ridiculously yourself.

Finally an answer to agree here. I do know that this is a card game at all, so it is logical to have rng. But i didn’t complain about my bad luck game, it happenes a lot. I just said that it is game breaking when there are so many strong combos now and makes the game more rng than skills, like it was before. I am saying that they can just balance the game a bit more. It is not funny to match up with 12000 dust decks with your 480 dust deck. This is happening even in standard. And don’t prove me wrong. There is no point paying against a deck full of legendaries. I know there are some viable low dust decks, but still it is unbalanced.

I didn’t ask for help by anyone, so just go to another topic if you don’t like.

You realise that you’re implying that poker is purely a luck game and there is no skill involved whatsoever? If that is what you’re implying you know very little about poker

I believe to know quite well what I am implying but, of course, I may be wrong.
Skill in a card game is relevant to be above average, irrelevant to be a champion.

The number of “championship” occurrences is too small compared to the influence of luck over the game, hence any average player can become a champion.

Not the same is for chess, where the number of “championship” occurrences is also very small, perhaps smaller, but the champion will always be everything but average.

This is just the way I see it, though. As I wrote above, I may be wrong.

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Wrong. If that were the case, then why do the same group of players make it to the world championship of poker every year?

There is skills inviled in poker but i don’t like to compare a video game to a casual card game. I am a big fan of cards games all these years, but this game should be different. Poker is a card game for bet and playing with money. This is why i don’t like hearthstone. Because as a video game they could make it balanced and fair, but they created it the way like poker works, with the difference that in poker you lose money. Here you don’t lose money to play, but you just can’t play and enjoy it like a video game.

That doesn’t surprise me much considering that large democracies are frequently ruled by “son of”, “brother of”, “daughter of”, and “wife of”, et cetera.
It must be in the genes…