🏅 [OVER] Tavern Training & Giveaways - THE FINALE

[July 26th update] The Finale is TODAY; scroll the posts for more info on the format, the prizes, and more.

What: Tavern Training is an event where a number of expert players embark on a journey to train a group of trainees, in order to have them fighting for the first place in a special tournament on July 26th.

All trainers felt very confident in accepting this role and we trust their abilities to pass their knowledge to their partners, while playing - sometimes - with a less-than-full collection. Budget decks save lives! :fire:

The Group

The Pairs & The Schedule
Trainer Trainee Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 FINALE
Thijs AnnieFuchsia July 10th July 17th July 20th July 26th, 7 PM CEST/6PM BST
FenoHS Naguura June 26th July 3rd July 21st July 26th, 7 PM CEST/6PM BST
TheoHS Grubby July 4th July 9th July 21st July 26th, 7 PM CEST/6PM BST
MacBanterFace Criken July 6th July 14th July 21st July 26th, 7 PM CEST/6PM BST
PizzaHS AquaFPS June 29th July 13th July 21st July 26th, 7 PM CEST/6PM BST
Sway_Bae Sloot July 6th July 15th July 19th July 26th, 7 PM CEST/6PM BST
Pocket_train Sips July 4th July 9th July 17th July 26th, 7 PM CEST/6PM BST
Danehearth Preach Gaming July 10th July 16th July 21st July 26th, 7 PM CEST/6PM BST

Format: standard

Rules: No specific rules for the training itself; trainers are allowed to share their best (or worst…) tips and strategies. The goal is to bring their trainee to victory!
HOWEVER, the final match will use special rules - more info soon!

The Finale

Time: 19:00 CEST/6 PM BST - 2 hours.

Custom rules will be in place for the finale. To win the match, the trainees will need to make sure that by the end of their game, they have more health than their opponent.
The finale will be streamed on the trainee’s channels.

Decks: Trainees are not required to submit their decks in advance - we want to give everyone the time they need to experiment with the new cards and to get the best advice from their trainers.

Competing Trainees
The Format

Double Elimination format starting with one large bracket (above) with all trainees playing at least in 2x games.
  • The brackets here (the image below) will be updated live as the event progresses.
  • The 4 winners will move into their own bracket, with the rest of the trainees moving to a different one (the "Second Chance").
  • If a trainee loses twice, they'll be out.
  • The 5th round is the final of the Second Chance bracket.
  • The 6th round will be our final game, held between the winner of each bracket.

Special Rules

  • All decks will have a minimum of 5 Perils in Paradise cards
  • 2 decks maximum per trainee
  • The games will be kept short (15 minutes), with limited overtime if all damage was successfully prevented/recovered.

The Prizes

Every trainee will receive a prize after the tournament.

  • The winner will get first choice of the eight possible prizes, or they can choose to spin the PRIZE WHEEL if they prefer.
  • The other 7x trainees in standings order will get a wheel spin to determine their prize.
  • All 8x coaches will receive a prize too, which will be revealed at the end of the Prize Wheel segment!

Some of the artists also already posted the making-of videos and reels - list below:

  • Nerdforge - Huge diorama of the Firelands Portal spell card. It is MASSIVE.
  • Woodart Vietnam - Large woodcarving of Harth Stonebrew - we can't wait to show you the process here!
  • Sunforge Cards - A 3D shadowbox of Leeroy Jenkins. The level of detail is INSANE.
  • Mr.Shadowbox - A 3D shadowbox of Azure Drake. Check those scales - absolutely incredible!
  • Kokomo Rugs - A large custom rug of the Hearthstone Logo. The creation process is so satisfying!
  • Bill Wave #1 - A large custom rug of the Hearthstone box. The ASMR we didn't know was needed.
  • Bill Wave #2 - A custom keyboard rug of the Hearthstone box - the perfect desk accessory!
  • Created by Lottie - A handmade glass sun-catcher of Sylvanas Windrunner. Catch the light with the Bashee Queen!


Lastly, our trainees will have something to give away during the finale - tune in to their channels today (July 26th) at 19:00 CEST/6PM BTS for the final showdown that will determine who mastered the game enough to quickly beat the competition and get the prize they want!

“I’m about to be educated in a big big way…” - Preachgaming, one of the Trainees

Check out this fun and informative video recap by Danehearth.


Sloot is our winner, and he claimed the GIANT Firelands Portal card diorama for himself!

The diorama is 6 feet tall, blue (and red) hues, and it was up for grabs - the best deal, if you ask us. :star_struck:

Nothing else to add to the amazing performance of the trainees, AND to the support provided by their trainers! More videos will be sharing in coming days thus if you’re after some great tips, keep an eye on this thread a little bit longer!

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