Is everyone playing shaman?

In 80% of my games I get against shamans that play the same deck using that broken quest (Corrupt the Waters)… This meta is pure garbage. Every shaman at 4 mana has his board full and then he uses evolve and gets 30/30 on board…
Players abusing this deck are probably getting bullied in real life.

Maybe they are the bullies …

I tried the deck but wasnt my style

It certainly is strong. I guess im lower on ranks than you because i didnt see it atm (but i played a very low amount of games this seasion. So i cant tell if there are many on my ranks)

Btw. Anyone knows a counter deck?

I play renounce Warlock atm but i dont know the matchup and it is rather extensive

combo priest, aggro warrior, aggro shaman, quest druid, quest hunter, highlander hunter