Is this intended?

I played Hunter vs druid, i was the hunter. The druid had used the spell (Goru the might tree - For the rest of the game, your Treants have +1/+1.) The other player had 5 treants on board at 3 attack 3 HP.

I used my card (Veranus - Battlecry - Change the Health of all enemy minions to 1)

I was on 9 mana, used Veranus to get his minions to 1hp and intended to use Unleash the Hounds, when i used Veranus his Treants stayed at 2hp… is that intended? Why would my card say, change hp to all enemy minions to 1?

I’m curious, Thanks.

Yea, the ‘for the rest of the game’ things are often considered auras (or persistent effects). Anything that makes a non-permanent change, such as setting a health or attack value to X, does not override it. You made the base health of the Treants 1, but they still got the +1/+1 from the aura, resulting in 3/2 Treants.

So yes, intended, but not always intuitive.

Now you say it as if it’s an ‘aura’, it makes sense. It’s still a strange interaction to me, like you say, seems a bit counter intuitive.

Thanks for the reply.

A few expansions ago when DKs was arround, Jaina had a similar effect. Jaina’s card said “For the rest of the game your elementals has lifesteal”.

If for some reason you used a sillencing spell or minion on an elemental, it would silence the elementals effect (for example water elemental could not freeze the attacked minion opr hero) but it would still heal Jaina when it attacked something.

The same principal was with the Rogue Quest. When it got complete it said “For the rest of the game your minions are 4/4”. That means that if you hexed/polymorphed a rogue’s minion he would get a 4/4 frog with taunt or a 4/4 sheep.

The same principal applies in this case as well.