Is this meta over yet?

For the first time since Beta I haven’t played my quota of (near) daily games of constructed to finish the quests in time and ladder to Legend.

On and off I’ve given constructed a try again - and after a handful of games I’m so utterly disgusted with the meta that I head back to BG, MtG Arena, or Gwent.

It’s incomprehensible how badly Bliz screwed up this meta. Especially the quests have made the game boring on one side, utterly frustrating on the other. It’s just rock/paper/scissors (once you see the match-up, the outcome is all but decided) and the games run like two players doing solitaire.

I’ve tried to play decks that are creative and offer variety, but can’t get the win rate above 50% versus the few solitaire decks that doinate the game atm.

I’m just not enjoying a game at all that I’ve always loved to play.

Can’t wait for this disaster to be over.

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When the next major expansion is released, the Questlines will either be invalidated or sidelined.

This always happens in Standard. Decks that seemed strong once, do not longer work, because of the elements the next set of cards brings.

The new will always be more popular than the old. In Standard, at least.

will this meta ever get BETTA??? WILL IT???