Mechathun Warlock?

I was wondering if this could work or not. Perhaps any suggestions that would make it viable?
Edit: Updated for more card draws.

need more draw, more impact over all, a control warrior, which you are supposed to prey on, could turn the tables on you very easily with all the damage you inflict upon yourself and the low late game tempo you have
you might need to scrap this, if you ask me

Mhm, I see. Although Soularium would be risky in case you end up drawing Mecha’Thun and poof… But I guess smaller card draw minions would be beneficial? Namely Novice Inventor and Loot Hoarder.

No, this won’t work.

I genuinely can’t think of a single scenario where you win via Mecha’Thun. Either you (most of the time) or your opponent will be dead way before that point.

You might be able to keep the galvanizer (why run 2?) > Mecha’Thun + grim rally combo as tech against control warrior, but you need to cut out about 15 of the other cards and make a deck that can compete against everything else and survive to that point against control warrior by putting on pressure.

you have 2 win conditions, 1 that wins every time and one that wins 50% of times, the first one you support with 5 cards of which only 3 are necessary and one of those can be run as 2 of’s since it’s part of both your win conditions, the second you support with 27 cards, this makes no sense

Makes sense if the one that wins every time only wins 8.8% of the time (control warrior). You make the other 28 cards go 48% against the rest of the field and you have a deck that works.

Higher wr than any deck that’s gone all in on Mech’Thun :smiley:

Yes you should just play a zoo deck…unless you hit a pocket of the meta that you think is particularly control warrior heavy, then a 2 card combo to replace card 29/30 to win your worst match-up is pretty solid. Plus where’s the fun in just playing zoo :smile:

The killin’

Edited again by swapping out one Galvanizer and Adding in one Broodmother to maximize the survival and keeping the Zoo element intact. Also it’s worth mentioning you could also use Plague of Flames to trigger Mecha’Thun. Just in case you haven’t used it throughout the game or something. Actually nevermind, You’re probably gonna end up burning Plague of Flames as your emergency board clear to keep the enemy controlled.
Also forgot to mention this is somewhat a budget deck as it’s missing some cards such as Zilliax or Sn1p Sn4p and Tekahn.

Imagine playing all you “Kill mech’thun” cards for surviving and being only left with him

this guy was a give away, everyone who logged at some time got him, did you check if you have him? You might have had him, I forgot I had him at some point

I left the game right on the day Kobolds and Catacombs came out and joined back in 2 weeks ago. Yep, Missed a lot of stuff I guess.
Yep, I think Grim Rally is the ideal card for triggering him as the +1/+1 buff will probably (Luckily!) not be needed throughout the match, While Plague of Flames seems more of a vital card for clearing big taunts on the board.

Yeah I had noticed that plague can do it as well. I knew it was a budget deck but admitted forgot that not everyone had Sn1p Sn4p. The other 2 I figured could be replace for other zoo minions. It was more of a “hey this principle can work” decklist link. But like I said before, Mecha’Thun is probably you’re win condition in 10% of your games. The other 90, you want to just trying to zoo down your opponent, not running understated taunts like shield bearer and frostwolf grunt. There are much better budget options, Bone Wraith is a common that can go in pretty much any deck for instance. Temple beserker is annoying, direwolf alpha is a classic.

If you think playing zoolock lacks fun, then clearly you have never played zoolock. :clown_face:

Actually Warlock was my first class to 500 wins, built on mostly zoo wins and it’s pretty much the same deck now as it was back then. The main difference is that other decks have changed, so it’s had to adapt from being a minion board control deck, to being more all in aggressive which is why it’s worse match-up is now control warrior.

Oh wait I wasn’t paying attention. I see now. Yep, I’ll do something about those cheap taunts.

I like mecha’thun druid more since it has tonnes of draw power but warlock has the advantage of cataclysm. I’d say if you want a Mecha’thun deck go Druid but warlock can work

We’re talking standard.