Overpowered priest

Hi guys
I’m old player of this game and I must say, after long period of silence,
that developer team who gave to priest Mass silence, Silence and destroy all
minions, Mass resurrection and etc… no hard feelings, but they must be
out of their mind. I have suggestion for them, give a priest card when he played that card, he won. Simple. Thanks

blud your lucky i can’t use foul language here cos i have a few words for you bruv. priest is a tier 3 class at best and needs serious buffs blad. srsly can’t get past platinum 8 as a priest you suker.

Priest might be bad in standard, by his aoes are the best.

I have been playing this game for like what 6/7 years and there has never been a class so frustrating to play against wtf is this priest i have stopped playing standard at all and just playing arena becouse it feels more balanced. Tbh first time i have to say even wild seems more balanced than standard how can priest have a mind control combo for 5 mana that leaves a taunt and gets a mind control its WAY overpowered, how can they have 150 board clears, how can they have 20 cards that copy a card from you or discover from deck how can they have 100 revives. I dont care about what tier the deck is or w.e its just better to concede than to waste time playing against this class atm hope the devs fix this soon i prefer to play wild since its more diverse and fun right now. At the current state there is nothing but face damage that priests dont have .

ok blud just cos you can’t beat priest don’t mean other manz can’t. priest is a tier 3 class like i always say and most priest players struggle to win bruv.

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