Paladin still desperately needs a nerf

Come on Blizzard, pull your fingers out already. How long until you fix the broken pile of canine excrement that is Paladin right now?
Seriously tired of them getting free huge minions for no reasonable work, and endless spam of divine shield taunts and other dumb stuff like that.
Its beyond a joke at this point, along with the toxic Shadow Priest deck.
Why cant you allow games to progress past turn 6 before these stupid decks start spamming lethal damage without any skill or effort involved?

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Based on data available on, pure paladin is indeed the most popular deck right now on lower ranks (bronze through gold).
But I often watch high-legend streamers on Twitch. None of them plays paladin. And it is very rare for them to queue into a paladin as their opponent.
Almost as if pure paladin is a deck that suits lesser experienced players, while players that have more skill know how to beat it often enough to make it very unpopular at high legend.


Dont worry itll be broken af with the mini set and blizzard should nerf it