People are so bad against op decks

even lol’er


Btw, from rank 19 to rank 11 I only lost one match now, at 11 3 stars, against a mirror, he got all the bomb cards from his Elysiana and I got only pack filler

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What’s with the emoting?

LMFAO that first Azalina though! xD Super value. Trump approves :ok_hand:

Upadte 1 / Question: Didnt that Quest Paladin run Legendary spell and Undertaker?

Update 2: I dont think its op. CW has a lot of ‘noobtraps’ that inexperienced players tend to fall in, but if CW falls to the right hands, it can be dominating. You should try and push to Legend before the upcoming nerfs, or at least to rank 5, you got 2 days left before nerfs hit, gogogo

i agree

it also has a lot of safety buttons that makes it even easier to get drawn to the deck.

Also about every deck is a completly different weapon in the hands of someone who knows what they are doing

It’s because I want them to feel like sh*it.
Actually at that point I believed he was gonna kill me the following turn but since he didn’t that looks like BM. Edit: It wasn’t.

@Pepsicola I am already rank 4 in wild with secret mage, every month I pick a (mage) deck and climb with it to 5 in the first few days
For update 2:
I guess I piloted it well then, made all those hard choices control players brag about without even realizing, that or the deck is more forgiving than pirate warrior, the hunters and rogues are hard sometimes.

Maybe since aggro players say aggro is harder and control players say control is harder they could just swap decks to play what’s easier for them and have streaks like mine

Even after the nerfs this is gonna be great I tells you, I did get Boom on 7 a lot, on 9 with hero power too, didn’t need to hero power, never. It’s gonna be less popular but more powerful, I’m sure about it.

Show me how many card packs you purchased today.

Those screenshots don’t impress me like card pack purchases do.

I’ve been flagging you for spam and nothing seems to have happened, I hope your account gets deleted.


That hurt my feelings. You know how you can make it up to me :wink: