Possible matchmaking issue for casual players

I can only play like 4-5 games a day after work and I manage to get to legend on most months. I don’t want those games to be against the same deck. It’s not like I lose to these decks more ofthen than I win, it’s just that it’s pretty ******* boring to play against the same 1-2 decks every day, especially if I only get to play a few games each day. This isn’t something that’s just happened to me once or twice, it happens every day. I get back from work, I boot up the game, it crashes (an issue with my system as I’m playing on ubuntu), I boot it up again, start my game and more often than not, it’s the same deck I’ve played yesterday (Either DH or warriros, depends)! The game can get pretty boring after playing against the exact same deck every day.

I hope you guys can manage to fix some other matchmaking issues you’re having if not this at least. Thanks for reading.

Share your deck pls. I playing most against mages. But I wish I was in the situation to reach legend every month by just playing against the same decks.
I would be very happy with all the card packs I would get from ladder ranks.

Not that I have the skills but I can improve.

Thnx in advance :slight_smile:

If you want to climb but, I mean, suck I guess(?) just take the best deck of the day from hsreplay or something. I climb now with curse lock since I like warlock. It’s pretty easy to get to legend imo. Like I said, I play like 5 games per day and have almost all cards in current rotation cuzz I disenchant all cards that go to wild. Track which decks are popular, trackwhich decks counter them, play either the popular decks or the counter ones. There’s really not much to it. If you don’t (want to) play wild then that’s the best advice I can give you to get to legend without playing the game instead of you.

I am playing wild for first time because I haven’t looted a single legendary for the class I always play. So now I can use the old collection. I create my own decks. I changed it some times. I have reached silver 6 already with my own deck. Not bad :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Can’t wait for new mini set. Many cards look OP so probably getting nerfed so cheap dust for 15 euro :grin:

Don’t waste your moms’ money on dust dude.

Hi Aventurier,
I make my own decks. I just make decks that counter the meta decks.