Rare cards in packs

For the last whole month or maybe more only “worthy” cards I get in packs are rares…Why?! Every pack I get I am 99.9% sure that I’ll get one rare with classic cards…is it normal or is it maybe some new “thing” to make you buy (with real money) packs 'cause contrary of that if you get free packs from events or arena top cards you’ll get in packs are rares and nothing more? I don’t get it…HS is starting to get me really nervous when I think that I might play it for a while…

A epic is guaranteed every 10 at an a average of about 5. There’s too many people tracking packs for them to alter the odds, you’re probably just going through a dry spell. Play long enough and you’ll get the purple patches that balance them out.

It sadly can happen, that is how card games and pack opening works, even for Hearthstone. Can’t remember when, but there was an expansion time ago where after the assured legendary card i never got any, and i mostly got rare cards just like you. But this expansion i got 3 legendaries in like a few packs, the best luck i had in the game (from free packs, never bought them). So it’s probably just terrible luck, i’m having a lot too in my Battleground games, but i’m sure all will turn around sometime or balance itself.

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