Reporting Ignite mage's

Hey just played one of these low lifes. And so I came here looking or a way to report a player. But there doesn’t seem to be an option for it. Does anyone know where to report these players? And if there is no way to do so, I’m sorry to say I’ll have to quit. I don’t mid cheesy decks or bug exploits, but intentional manipulation I cannot tolerate.

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What do you want to report regarding Ignite?

clearly that ignite sick mechanism

blad magez need.z nerfs quicktime. manz loses 90% of gamez against questmage blud.

They use a hack to never run out of time their turn last more than 90 seconds on your screen, there is a video that a guy goes on and on for 2 min and 20 secs and the rope didnt even started


This was the issue. The timer had run out but there was another 2-3 minutes of animations. Which would have skipped my turn anyway, but they killed me instead.