I see you edited it, not gonna bother.
You don’t have to speak for Blizzard, they can speak for themselves, they already did or didn’t, and when they don’t do what they need to in order to defend their choices let it backfire, I don’t see you defending everyone on this forum at least
How will it backfire exactly? Like it did with Jaina?
I dunno, like it did with Diablo 3, the mobile game? but not as hard…
Had no idea what Diablo 3 is or what happened, however after doing a minimum of research, it’s not hard to spot the obvious difference. The Diablo thing was a structural change in that it would no longer be available on PC.
This Hearthstone thing is about a drawing being different.
Let’s keep it in perspective.
do a little more research and come back.
What am I missing? Just tell me.
I have, and do, step in on behalf of others on this forum (as you should well know) if and when I deem it necessary, but what I won’t do is defend a bunch of keyboard warriors who are spouting off with little to no knowledge about the reasonings behind WHY changes have or haven’t been made and just jumping on bandwagons. They don’t come on here with well thought out points looking for genuine discussion. Apart from the regulars on this forum, who I love chatting and discussing with even when we don’t agree, the vast majority of people who have been posting about this subject are people who have never posted before and have just been coming on here spouting reiterated “screw Blizzard and their stupid censorship” comments. They don’t come here to discuss, they don’t come here for intelligent conversation. They just come here to spout hate, usually about something they don’t really understand or care about beyond their own little blinkered view of things. And you expect me to try and see things from their point of view??? Never. You want me to consider a position carefully? Bring forth a well structured argument for me to consider and I will always do my best to look at it from that side and, if you argue your point well enough, I’m more than happy to hold my hands up and agree with your point. But when come on here and just go on a rant about how much they hate what’s been done and they’re quitting the game and I will bite back at such limited mentality.
Sorry could not resist
Ok so I was right? You must see the difference then, Sheercold.
I don’t know, why is anyone surprised about that? A lot of games (popular like fortnite, h1z1 etc) are banned in china because of blood, gore, vulgar language, explicit female characters, names, and blizzard games were on that list to change this or they gonna get banned.
The decision to change those cards for all region is silly, especially if they have the choice to do it only for their region (like in other games) , but its their game. As a company who wants to make money for shareholders you can’t be surprised that they did that. I mean china is 600 million phone user market.
The thing that i don’t like is the lie. Why not just tell the true (yeah i know that they have to protect stocks), but to say that you have done this because you didn’t think those cards are tide to the game is just silly. Especially funny thing is that view from them is the same as the view from china.
Some people speculating that they also try to get rating for the game 12+, but then why not just say that.
I personally don’t care how the cards look like, but to change eviscerate because of a little blood…
PS: its funny that they told on blizzcon that they primary market for diablo mobile is china, considering that in china people are playing games a lot more on mobile then PC, and now they try to hide that. But probably, again, the reason are stocks and they massive drop in value after blizzcon.
No dude, I’m sorry, they announced some Diablo action, there were plenty of old school gamers coming, most likely PC master race people and they were expecting a new Diablo game for PC, Diablo now is also one of the most popular and frankly maybe the best Blizzard game so far, so it got everyone excited, when they presented it they weren’t even clear about where you can play it on but people put 2 and 2 together and excitement turned to anger, then they said “What, don’t you guys have phones?”
Well now that I’m describing it it sounds far less bad than it did back then, which shows how the community’s anger made it look even worse than it was.
But really the anger was justified, Blizz didn’t do anything too bad, the mobile game is actually kinda nice, but their response shows how little they understand and care about their players.
This time they could have at least motivated their choice, they did nothing, they kinda hid it if anything, I didn’t even know the change was live until I think the day after they implemented it when I saw deadly shot being played, it was a sneaky business, which is another sign they went downhill
@Raywen you’re too nice of a guy not to deserve a verbal response, I’m out. We can’t achieve anything continuing this. Unlike blizzard (see?) I talk to you and (dimly) motivate my actions.
But there’s still a crucial difference. I’m one of those dinosaurs without a smartphone, so if Hearthstone would be phone-exclusive, I’d just have to give it up. Now compare that to an aesthetic detail that really has no impact on the game itself.
If they lost like 40% of their customers after the Jaina-thing, would they still do this you think? No, because no one will stop playing because it just doesn’t really matter.
dude, I mean their bad communication with the player base, that’s just the same, “not gonna speak to you, we’ll pull a sneaky on you rather than explain ourselves, and if necessary mockingly ignore you” the same for both cases
But you used the Diablo example as to how it would backfire. But the content of the 2 is fundamentally different. Compare it to how Jaina didn’t backfire whatsoever.
No they did not lose 40% of the player base over Jania but they have lost more than 40% over the past 18 months over decisions they making and will continue to lose players. Both your self and Sheercold are correct from both view points it just Blizzard has lost sight on what made them good 2 years ago.
Maybe that’s the real reason behind the changes. Losing players, so they go: “Do we really want to try to appease this crowd full of weird people who really only just seem to play Hearthstone because of some weird sexy demon fetish, or shall we try to reach out to more normal people who actually play a card game because of the game?”
Wohooo lets call people who probably have a point and or are reasonable names and insult them just because i dont like their points
Creative use of NATO alphabet, still a bit mean tho.
Can anyone explain the NATO aplhabet to me? Anyone can know it, so it’s not secret language, you need 353363 words for a letter so it’s not good for simplified talk, I know there is a list of simbols for letters but the words? They bring me sorrow by how useless they are, like the people that just lost me my mafia match cause they try guessing the killer. Imbeciles.