What´s up with Dragons in Battlegrounds?

indeed but hardcore fans will refuse it as always, blizzard will be silent. nothing will change, uninstall the game and have a better life. this game doesn’t worth it, already out of control and is just a cash cow for bobby’s new sailing adventures.

In my experience dragons are the trickiest tribe of them all to build. You have to have top RNG run to get them going. I see it from time to time (once or twice even myself - out of a billion games), but I usually go with case 3 - I basically ignore them, as more often than not you are destined to fail. Go Naga, Murloc, they can get you top 4 more likely than dragons.

The tribes are defo not created equal. Dragons are a proof of it.

Easy win with Ysera. Otherwise unless you triple into Kaly, whilst missing on others, you should avoid them.

It’s not rigged, just dragons are bad, so if you try to play them your gona to miss a lot as you need more but get less rolls than other tribes.

dragons are not rigged , its the whole mode that is ,the winners are pre-determined even before you choose your 1st card .
What ever tribe you choose you’ll stop seeing them around rank 3 , unless your ele’s in which case you wont see them from rank 2.
If your playing a tribe specific hero if its your turn to win you’ll get everything you need in abundance , but if not the game will appear like its screwing you over every turn , we have all experienced this

…your “choosing a tribe” pre rank 3?

Think I’ve identified the issue :smile:

I’d you don’t get elementals/pirates early with those heroes it’s not ideal but that just means you’ve seen more of a different build and have just decided that your gona lose out of stubbornness and blame the rng.

…your “choosing a tribe” pre rank 3?

I normally go with a final strategy after tavern 4 stars, at that level I should have made up my mind already.

Broadly speaking tripling into a 5 drop on 4 and either taking that direction or finding a stabiliser (e.g. Mythrax if your board is a mess) is a sound strat.

Obviously there’s tons of reasons not to do that depending on how the opening has gone.

I’ve played a LOOOOOOOOOT of battlegrounds over the last 6 months, mostly because I didn’t get on with the ranked meta’s in that period and, while I love it, there are a lot of issues that need ironing out with it.

One of my big ones is that I do believe there needs to be some kind of bad luck protection introduced to it. It’s doable because they have such a thing in WoW for raid loot drops and also in pack opening in Hearthstone already. Basically, I’ve had more than a few matches where certain tribes don’t show up for ages, especially on the heroes that are tribe dependent. No word of a lie, I’ve played as Chenvaala and not seen an elemental for 6-7 turns. Maybe introduce something where every time the tavern refreshes each tribe that doesn’t show up gets a slight % increase to appear next refresh.

I’ve also noticed that battle RNG seems a bit suspect at times. I’m not saying the game is rigged or anything, but I have seen soooo many matches where I watch the battle and the your minions hit everything in just the right way to leave enough stars on the board to kill you exactly…and i mean exaclty…like you have 29 health and you get hit with exactly 29 damage. It’s seriously not even an uncommon occurrence and anyone who plays a lot of BG’s who looks out for it will start to notice it…your minions kill everything else on the board, but leave that deathrattle snake till last and spawns 2 tier 6 minions and there goes the 18hp you though would get you one last throw of the dice. Like I say, I don’t think the game is rigged at all but it almost feels like the game calculates what needs to happen to start thinning the field so games don’t go on too long.

Honestly I think you just remember those ones more. I don’t play that much BG’s maybe 10 in the last month yet the only death I can remember is to an exact lethal from high health, even though I’m pretty sure that was the only time it happened :smile:

That just happens naturally as players/minions tiers increase, doing more damage and killing players off.

I get that, and it probably is just my mind playing tricks on me, but when you get situations where your last 2 minions have a choice of 6 to hit and they can kill any two of 5 of them and they both hit the ONLY minion they can’t kill and then you die to exact damage…it does kinda make you suspicious :stuck_out_tongue:

Dragons are easy win but you need specific two in order to achieve that + Nadina. Kaleghos underperforms and it is too slow. I think it needs buff.

The problem is that blizzard checks what archetype you are playing and “balance” behind it. So if you play beast the chance is significantly low for baron to drops. If dragons then 3/3 dragon is low chance.

I’ve also noticed that battle RNG seems a bit suspect at times

Look at this dude, just look at this, it is not RNG because I have experienced the same in many games. This truly looks rigged, no idea if per account, or what.

https:// at imgur .com/a/cR3Mf2Z can´t include links, another stupid thing, if I can´t why is the option on the HTML editor, no one competent to remove it ?

how about the many times your key minions get killed right off the start , i have lost count of the games where murlocs poison has been killed on 1st attack , if you hide him behind a taunt he still gets murdered be4 making a minion poison , was funglemancer a few games back had poison on curve , was another 6 turns before my 1st minion was made poison consequently lost out to beasts and finished 4th , funny enough though i cant remember to many times where my minion 1 has hit m their minion 7 unless i had zap

Why were you hung up on going Dragons that game? Don’t get me wrong I see you’ve hit mid game dragons but nothing late game and nothing that scales off Dragons. You should have pivoted to whatever late game you did hit.

I don’t get how the math is meant to work on that one without your theory being they hate you but love everyone else (i.e. your opponent).

The problem is that they manipulate the game according to archetypes. I mean it is not fair and retarded but since Lizzards are not very smart you can easily escape the bais.

They start getting info based on the types you play and reduce the chance of getting late game cards. I have 8k score and realize something:

if I play beasts very often I see bran but not baron. If I play dragons I don’t see until very late that 3/3 one. And overall I don’t see dragons that I need except for some trash ones.

But if I play mix minions and I want to play beasts, for example, I got baron (even make it golden) and then switch easily. With dragons, it is more complicated since you need Nadina as well and then it is too late game.

My point is the game shall be random and that kind of balance is retarded and force the players to play what blizzard wants. They do it in all their games but they are not that smart and kill the gaming experience. That is why their games are dying and already behind so many others.

It is not about that. I think avenges have a higher priority target. A bit higher than other minions. This is how they did it, try with something else - that one for batteries and you will see that in 2 / 3 hits she will be targeted.

how about the many times your key minions get killed right off the start

That´s tolerable and you have the means to control it, essentially put your minion at the very end or the second last. Also, protect using taunt minions or shield.

But yeah it does happen.

The bg pool is determined at the matchup phase. Having dragons available doesn’t mean all the dragon slots would be there.

So their numbers are limited per rank.
If someone frozen the tavern or have that specific dragon on their screen. You wont be able to see that specific dragon until they refresh.

So keep that in mind when you refresh. Don’t refresh too fast. Give your opponent chance to refresh.

I do that, yeah, as soon as you pivot or have something decent you will be lured into Dragons, you will see the legendary one and the one doping it, I had a game now with Beasts, there was Ysera in the game, I got the legendary dragon Golden, two brown dragons (the 4 star one that dopes) and even a spare legendary Dragons.

Ended up with a mix of golden minions with the Pirate even.