Which character do you have the least amounts of wins with?

Which character do you have the least amount of wins with?

I am still struggling to get to 500 with Rogue and Druid.



I havent got 500 with any of the heroes but priest is by far my least played class

I dont even have it at lvl 40

I have the least with Priest, this is only because I always have 1 class where I disenchant everything I get from it and because I really didn’t like Anduin that class didn’t get played passed level 20.

However, now I’ve started playing it and stopped with Mage, because I didn’t have the cards for Reno Mage and I feel like Secret Mage is a bit of a no skill deck. And I’ve also stopped with Rogue because I don’t like how squishy they are with no real ways of getting armor or healing outside of neutral cards.

Technically everyone should be answering demon hunter XD

But in seriousness I dont have the 500 wins with anyone, but I know for a fact the less wins I have is rogue as rouge I barely play it (getting better at making deck for that class now tho) and is the only class I havent maxed leveled yet

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