A real sniper like Widowmaker

What do you guys think about a sniper like Widowmaker who can climb in the scenario and can snipe and kill with one shot, but stay with just 1 health just when she is on top of something and can die easy too?
I was wandering if Ana (with her normal vision of the map) could climb and kill with Horus Eyes with one shot, but is vulnerable to die with Hanzo’s ult that cross the map, Abathur’s skills, Azmodan’s ball, any Dehaka skill, etc.
Is a bad idea?

A very bad idea

But yes, if she can dramtically reduce armour, that can work
reduces armour by 75% , thts HUGE

Widowmaker would be great in Heroes of the Storm.

I don’t care about Nova and her Skin.
Blizzard can remove this Skin and all players, who has the Nova-Widowmaker Skin in all colors, they will get Widowmaker + her Bundle FOR FREE. :slight_smile:

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I’d at least like to have the Widowmaker skin to have her voice lines, and count for Overwatch characters played!