Abathur isn't fun to play against

I don’t enjoy playing against Abathur. I think he can do so many things so well with little opportunity for the opposing team to counterplay.

He can soak experience with ease. He can soak multiple lanes of experience simultaneously. Yes you can punish his body soaking if he’s doing it out in the lane but it’s hard to focus on micro’ing while looking for his locust spawns. If you do manage to catch a locust recently spawned by the time you search around for his body he’s already left the lane with his 30 second CD global ability. It’s like I’m punished for trying to hunt and kill him.

He can contribute to any teamfight or skirmish on the map with ease. He has healing and shielding. He can push out good siege damage. What can this hero not do? I guess he can’t soak damage…

Yeah he’s not the easiest hero to play but its not difficult to get a lot of value out of his kit. I’d just like to have more opportunities to counterplay the abathur. It’s like he’s just this entity on the other team that never has a chance of being killed if played decently. It doesn’t feel interactive at all to me. It’s like the person playing abathur is playing a different game where they have hacks. Honestly feels that way sometimes. They can be anywhere at any time and do anything. Okay I’m exaggerating a bit but it feels this way sometimes.

I just briefly thought about some solutions to his kit and what about making his symbiote have a cast range so the player actually has to think about where to put his hero and his teammates have to consider where the abathur is before they rush into a 1v2. Yes this would hurt is ability to body soak but so what, his ability to soak is already absurd.

Just my thoughts, I’m interested to see where other players think his power level stands. Thanks for reading!

It`s so hard playin against Aba.

Last match I had with,Genji+Aba was so weird.Genji just jump in vs 2 or vs 3,and kill all.Guess he is good player no doubt,I feel like we dont have keyboard or what.For full match we killed him just two times.Genji and Aba 25 kills.I said wierd cuz he dont do nothing just jump in and tank 3 of us.Shield of Aba is strong,think can be less powerfull.And every game vs is so hard.
Other match I picked Zagara and whole game I pushed and pushed.
At the end Aba so overdamage me on siege like I didn`t do nothing.

I tried one game,he can`t heal like did before,powerfull sheild,good push and clone is more stronger.

Guess just Ana,Malganis and Aba can win match easly without two other players.

Abathur needs a serious nerf. Especially when in a combo with close range burst heroes it’s beyond “not fun”, it’s absolutely unfair. In draft modes you could try finding a combo that sort of works against him, but with any squishy you’re seriously fudged. Stealth heroes in combination with Abathur? Yeah, lol, nice try surviving this, it’s hard enough to escape that when you have a tank or healer next to you because they can dish out so much damage in so little time it’s ridiculous.

Even when you’re mounted you have almost no chance getting away from Aba+Valeera/Samuro/Zera, and now imagine this in quickmatch where the matchmaking has almost absolutely no requirements for teams and it’s not rare you don’t even have a tank or a healer, let alone both, let alone a combo that has a chance against such a combo.

Blizzard can’t balance and it shows. There are so many combinations, or recent champions that are so versatile alone, having Aba on top of that is just not fair.

Even in draft you’ll almost entirely have to build your team around countering that one trick pony.

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Abathur is easy to kill if you play properly, it’s even easier after the last nerf that forces him to go in the field to be remotely useful for XP collection.

There’s lot of characters that can kill Abathur when the wall is still up.
Almost each mages can wreck him, good Zeratul will have fun too, Genji, Hanzo etc.

He was nerfed already, forcing the player to not collect XP or take more risks with placement.

I assume you play Keal’thas as main, just properly use your area spells to kill Abathur.

You are thinking wrong, instead of fleeing the symbiote, fighting against the symbiote and it’s host, fight against Abathur.

Even in draft you’ll almost entirely have to build your team around countering that one trick pony.

Pick Genji, Abathur is dead and you’ll probably counter something else in addition.

Yeah maybe try that again without sounding like “ggez git gud” or something else that doesn’t prove my point