Adhere to the rules

I am doing about 80-100 reports per day, i report everything i think break the blizzard rules that they keep referring to when explaining reasons.
Within a month there will probably be thousands.

I rarely get to reports anyone in-game so I’m guessing you’re reporting every player you see, considering it’s 100 reports per day, God knows how

Stop sending false reports cuz you emotionally unstable.

not false reports. read what i wrote. i send reports according to what i understand they punish the players for.

i play about 15 games/day. 6-7 reports in a game is not alot.

I think you’re a vulnerable person more focused on observing your allies over actually playing the game and trying to be positive no matter what’s happening. You get extremely emotional and salty WAY more than normal behavior and flood the report list on random players as you se fit.

Stop it and focus on playing the match at hand. The matchmaking is random and WILL much sooner than not give you a TOTAL miss-match of various brain capacities and that will cause you to have botlike allies. Many times you will be participating to that bad chemistry.

That’s only 6 reports too much if not all of them.

observe allies is a requirement of a team game.

being positive doesn’t win you anything. without knowledge and skill, thinking that u win when core is under attack and got 1% left life, u still lose. be positive is a poor excuse for a even worse play.

what is normal? if i got reported for normal conversation, it means other ppl are also “extremly emotional and salty” way more than what you consider to be normal. to me, it seems that this is the new normal. report everything.

I really doubt that

15 matches a day is 60 other players, on your team. Then 75 on the opponents team. But considering you can’t see what they type of see them all the time, it can be hard for you to see if they are afk. that is about 53,3 - 74,1%. I would say the issue is in your end. I most of my matches, people don’t speak. Maybe GG at the end. There is some talk every now and then. And at times some toxic talk. But not so much anymore.
Also have in mind. Some might not be that experienced with the game or the hero.
I say grow up

yesterday, in 15 QM games, i had 11 players that were AFK for at least 15 seconds, mostly in spawn and 3 were AFK until were replaced by bots. few were AFK for more than once. reported every time. Then i had players not participating in objective. indeed very few were reported for abusive chat, since they do not chat, ofcourse in fear of being reported, but they spam pings like crazy, and were reported spam. 2 days ago had 1 guy reported for inappropriate name and 1 for suspected botting. at the end of the day i probably get closer to 100 reports/day

Not the way you observe it.

Obviously not, and skill has nothing to do with being positive.

Forget normal, if you’re gonna report do it against someone who actually desurves it. Simple words used against other players isn’t imo any offense at all. It’s only if you take it to heart, maybe there’s truth in those “offensive” words for you?

It calculates as good as it can to make the match as balanced as possible in terms of MMR, but the “random” part that i spoke of is not the MMR, it’s the random chance of getting various personalities in your team. There’s a very high chance that you get brain cells in your team that you just can’t click with nomatter what you do, those people doesn’t desurve the report especially 7 of them in the same match… What are you some kind of a divine being that’s better than every other human?

GERRAAAARA here man. Work on your emotion management before you point fingers.

so why i get silenced for that? simple words? “do your job”, “wake up”, how offensive are these words?

15 seconds could be the time they spend reading talents. I forget talents, so i read them at times, causing me to seem to be afk for some secs

“Wake up”, “Do your job”, “This team is trash”, and those are only what you claim caused the report. Read those words to yourself and ask - what benefit does that give the team, other than making people antsy? There is no feedback there, just demands that give a negative implication.

Nobody can know the full chat log, and bear in mind that the thread you are referring to did you no favours as you clearly harbour a bitter attitude, no offence, as evidenced by your response to actual mods.

The fact you’ve made multiple posts over this ‘issue’ also speaks volumes – and the answer will remain the same == your report/silence/ban can’t be publicly discussed, and no amount of people agreeing or disagreeing with your PoV will change the outcome.

If you want to avoid it happening in future, civility works wonders, or even plain silence if you’ve nothing good to say. “We need you here” or “Leave the camp for now” or just backing off while you have no healer is an infinitely better investment than demanding they ‘do their job’ (after god-knows-what-else was said in that chat to point them out).

You’re playing a 5v5 mode where, unless you go premade (and even IF you go premade), you’ll never always be on the same page, especially when pugging and forced to take what you can get, particularly in a Quick Match which doesn’t even account for compositions very well. In short, people are going to mess up (in your eyes) and the last thing you should do is be that one hot-head who riles people up, no matter how justified or how inoffensive you ‘think’ you’re being, because it helps absolutely nobody in any way, shape or form.

The fact your frustrations are stemming primarily from QM is no surprise at all.

Honestly the rate at which I get death and r*pe threats, I doubt he’s making false reports. playing this game for sub 400hrs, and yet I have encountered more toxicity and extreme insults and threats than in 18 years of multiplayer gaming…