AIs became cowardise?

I’m playing Lost Cavern with last difficulty level AIs from time to time, and last time I’m noticing that AIs plays “safe”. This isn’t fun, I want to see reckless moves, and fully test my builds and tactics

In general, they keep party under gates, always waiting for creep packs, and don’t follow me, even i spamming help signal, that is not winning strategy for ARAM battle

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Working as intended, as near as I can tell. Play with the AI a year ago vs today, and the AI will follow you if ordered to do so, will help you if you ping for help, try and cap what you tell them to, etc. Fast forwards to today and it’s clear that the devs have weighted things such that AI will prioritise its own scripted behaviour over commands from the only human active in the game.

AI are bronze, not much to expect if you play seriously.