Another lost customer

I played this game from vanilla, but now I dont want to play anymore, no fun, broken games (matchmaking). Immortal heroes. Unplayable. I literally feel physical pain due to how this game is not fair.


It’s either 2 healers and tanks on opposite team, no dps on your side or just insane mmr with groups of 1000+ lvl with brand new accounts…

play in party of 5 , it solves 90% of the issues

Has Blizzard declared that the game is only for packs of 5 people and not for single players? If so, I missed it.

This game has always been designed to reward multiple people who will work together playing at the same time

Encouraging people to bring their friends and make new friends within the nexus

Recruit a Friend is one such promotion

And playing with friend experience bonus is another

Removal of Hero League which was the only form of Solo Ranked and introducing Storm League probably makes three

So even if it wasn’t obviously stated

You did miss these things if you don’t remember them

If you want a Single Player experience Versus AI with AI Allies does exist

Custom Games are also another option but you will not be rewarded any Gold or Experience

GAME totally retaarded theese days… mnissing old HOTS after release, matchmake theese days is one great joke, reworks always only DESTROY hero. another customer lost- and i was spending money for skins and other shiits…