Are there bots in hots?

Are there bots in hots? I was just in a game, nobody talked during hero picks, they played abysmally bad during the game (3-4 top lane all the time and just kept popping like popcorn). Not a single word in chat and…ofc easy loss in the end.

I asked the same a lot of times.
Btw now and AI can give you an answer on your question,so I think,can be.

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Hey :dragon: calling you dragon because your account name literally means dragon I have seen bots in QP but never seen them in ranked that must be really unlucky did you report them?.

I did not report anyone because I am not sure its 100% correct.

If you suspect someone of botting there is an option to report them for it

If the option doesn’t exist when you press TAB that means they just left the game and were replaced with official AI that this game has

Also, Look for the names

If the hero name appears to be the hero name = Thrall, Jaina, ETC , then its a bot and the player has left. Else it will show the players name.

Ping the bot, and he will follow you ,
Ping again, and he stops following

Actually some player accounts deliberately have the same name as heroes so this is not always the most accurate way to tell

I have a feeling there has been for a while now. Plus some just might not feel like talking. Others are trying to avoid getting silenced


true, but pinging will confirm it,

if it says “thrall is following u now”

then know it, tht its a bot

if no such thing appears, then its a player

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That is when it is a bot for a leaver. I think he is a talking about a bot you get to play for you. There us a difference.

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He’s talking about people using 3 party software to automate gameplay in hots.Those players who can’t be bothered to play hots cause they think it’s a :poop: show
so they automate it which I think it’s scummy I have seen some Russian players doing it on Quick play.They don’t respond to chat nor they play with the team and even tried on voice speaking to them no response which led me to believe they might be boting the game.

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oh, u mean log out of game, or stay in game but the hero is controlled by some software, and it doesnt go on BOT bcoz of inactivity?
wow, thts new information for me

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You seriously didn’t know about that bad people have been doing it for years in other games aswel when content become grindy or obsolete for them.

Nope, didnt com across such , lucky me i guess :smiley:

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