Attack move functions wrong

As far as the a for attack move it really doesnt work like it should, if you tick the attack closest enemy to the hero you still get a lot of cases where your guy will start moving towards an enemy further away instead of the one IN MELEE RANGE.
This case happens a lot when the further enemy is a few paces away, and while its not a long walk the function is straight up wrong as is the case with a lot of functions in the game such as how you cant chain abilities fast, and instead theres a global cooldown thats minor but makes some characters that want to chain fast like alarak, kerrigan or garrosh play like ass most times where you are absolutelly sure you hit E, and then Q and you still miss an input. Because you shouldve waited 0.2seconds between a key press. This wasnt the case in beta so thats where my thoughts are from. Kerrigan combo was super fast.

The game is smooth overall but man the input issues make it feel so damn awkward if youre used to fast response, smooth inputs and maybe assume that stuff like attack move may work well, instead its like everything is clumsy.

Mouse click “hitboxes” are also really weird for some objects. clicking a player near something potentially larger often means you click on the larger object even when the mouse is right on the smaller one . What i mean is the larger object straightup overides the hitbox of the smaller nearby.