Auriel ressurect?

Completely BS ability at lvl 20 becomes beyond broken and none of the devs is seeing that…

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This ult was in the game since day 1 of auriels release and no one really complained about it.
This ult has gotten some changes though but I still don’t see anything completely broken when I see her in QM.
It would be nice if you would say what exactly is the problem with her ult and give some examples.


more often than not this rezz is just feeding more exp to the enemy team.

ofcourse its broken levels powerful since it gets down to just 40second cd and auriel can even selfres so the ulti straightup makes getting a kill then collapsing to get the rest of the team not happen. Its likely by far the strongest healer ulti in the game negating a good teamfight every single time.
Normally you get a kill and its all done but now auriel simply gets the guy back and the res happens really quickly negating everything that happened which usually means atleast all abilities are on cooldown and most likely ultimates aswell. Youve now lost.

let me go out of context and ask this irrelevant question please
can she resurrect deathWing ?

She can’t. He cannot be helped even after he dies poor guy. xd

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