Avoid as teammate

Can we please get the “avoid as teammate” function that is in overwatch. So tierd of matching with toxic players who think they broke the to code to the game while still in plat.


I agree, it would be nice. Avoid a lot of thrower angry scumbags… It will remain a dream I guess…

Today I did about 6-7 ranked games and in 5 of them I was matched with this thrower, who would always run away from team fights at full health, go and do enemy camps out of the blue and die and just generally troll the team. He also trolled me by saying that I was the useless one, made up things and every game would say that I don’t do anything, when I always get on the board and my other team mates never complained about my performance. So yeah, when can we avoid as team mate? This is ruining my entire experience with the game, because I am teamed with this a hole every time and my only hope of having a normal game is to try and whisper him (he is blocking me) so his profile goes into whispers and I can see if he is searching storm league, so I know not to q