Blizzard: "nice winrate you got there on that hero, would be a shame if next game enemy team was filled with counters"

I see what you’re doing there Blizz, you ain’t fooling anyone. I just can’t believe you wasted precious developer time on coding such a frustrating matchmaking system, when they could have fired them so you can use the money to outsource the resources to some Chinese company to make some new lame mobile game.

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They do it because they’re socialists. Equality of outcome. All must be equal regardless of skill or effort.

again, won three games on Nova, blizz gives me D.Va, Lunara, Alarak, Abathur and Johana on other side. I mean, srsly, 5/5 gj blizz. Thanks for the Murky in my team, real good vs Alarak…

Nova? I think you need to be a genius developer to come up with a match-maker that does not include at least 2 counters to her in every game. Every tank in the game is basically a hard counter to nova.

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I’m so, so tired of such horrid ignorance. :persevere:

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So what`s the problem?

You can almost oneshot Lunara and shutdown Aba,you cry cuz you have Murky in ur team.