Can we as a team vote if AI will automaticly run to base?

After reading a post it gave me a idea.

We all have that one friend who has bad connection.
Its frustrating if he/she/it disconnects and the AI goes full illlidan in the moment he is trying to reconnect.
Then dies and possible trows the match or makes it that it snowballs.

If you dont have a friend like that, we all remember random players disconnecting all the time.

I rather have a option to let them go back to the base, playing it safe.
And always the option that AI controlls it, but we know how that usually goes

perhaps just the team leader can set up general affinity, like be aggressive or be careful…I just think they need to cancel the point loss because of it, problem solved. Was just in a game with specialist johana, it was a player, I am infuriated atm. 9th loss in a row. I don’t even think about the losses with AI anymore, but I think they tipped my mmr into hell and the system keeps giving me unbelievably bad teammates now. Lowering someones mmr because some random guy I’m not even in a party dced and bot is abysmally bad, is just bad design.