Changes when leaving the game

So I haven’t been playing HOS for some time . I started playing again few weeks ago. What I noticed is that in lots of games people leave in the very first minutes and they don’t come back. So at this point one team is with one less player and the game is absolutely pointless to play. The 20 or 30 minutes or how long the match is pass, the team with less players loses which to be honest is logical.

So maybe some changes should be made and I don’t mean punishing the people who leave , there are some tools for that already. What about all the players who stay in finish the game (lose the game). How can you say to this players stay and play more of this game when every 3rd game is finished with less players.

You should think off some mechanics to award the people who stay to end.
So some suggestions :

  1. An ingame buff for the team with less players.
  2. Maybe more xp and gold for them after the game.
  3. Some other bonus to make for there lost time and give them some fun of playing and actual reason to continue to play.

This is a real issue in my opinion. So I hope someone actually think about it.

Best off luck , if someone actually reads this at all :smiley:.

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