Enjoy or hate this game part 2!

Came back after 3+ month and wanted to give the game another chance but is enough now.
First I won 3 games in a row and then 8 losses in a row and then I won 1 right now but I had enough of it.
The game shall not be like this.
First a few wins and then a lot of losses.

Need a big fix this game.
Now the game is uninstalled and so it will be for some time or forever.

How? I dont see any problems with “50% wr system” stuff, because i see it in every game. Yes, i dont like it, but still, its not that bad to cry and spam “fix plz deleted gaem”

it actually is a problem. I have said it before in these forums that I loose like 7 out of 8 of my games in HOTS ever since it started while in dota 2 I can be happy with winning more than half of my games. Just because your winrate is high doesn’t mean you should be punished for it

Wait but how is it the games fault that you guys are losing?

This is like calling the PS1 bad, just because you were never able to finish any of the games you bought.

For the creator of this thread, you came back after being away for a long time, why would you expect to be winning your games vs people who were here praccing while you were away?
Also whatever rank you were at, why would you expect to be the same rank?
I am even surprised you got your first 3 wins, but despite that the system clearly matched you with people who were better than you, accept that you need to practice, get into a game before being “Good” at it.

You don’t win more than half your games if you play it enough, that would only occur if you played very few games, or are currently matched with players below you.
If you lose 7 out of 8 of your games, then you are currently matched with player above you, once you fall down far enough you will be meeting players of your rank.
Only you can be better at the game and make sure you get higher up in rankings.

My main account gets to master every season without much trouble, it is once i reach around 2000 rating in master i start seeing some proper resistance, at 3000 i feel that most of my opponents are equal.
I’ve made an alt account, it tok me about 2 weeks to get into Diamond 3 or was it 2, can’t remember it’s been along time now.

But calling a game bad because your losing at it, is not the games fault, it is yours and yours alone.

I forgot to mention that I never play ranked neither in HOTS neither in dota. Unless you live under a rock you should know that blizzard is trying to make everyone have a 50% winrate. And for me who normally plays (used to play to be exact) HOTS for fun and to get away from dotas competitiveness, this makes the game unfun.

The more active forums are actually the US forums, where even Blizzard responded to a post about forced 50% winrate.
Most EU players hang out there.
Making excuses for not winning is alot worse btw, than admiting to mistakes.
You can’t remove faults, if you can’t see them, if you keep ignoring your own mistakes you’ll only be left with them.

if you think I’m bad or something let me just say that I used to have a 60% winrate and from one point the already mentioned BS started and currently my winrate is 54%. You also have to consider that I play since beta and I have about 4 times the hours in HOTS than I have dota yet I never feel that I lost because of terrible matchmaking in dota.

60% win rate says nothing, is it 60% in bronze? silver? gold?
Like you can have 100% winrate anywhere and stil be bad.
If i go to chess tournaments for beginners, i would probably have 100% winrate.

I played League for what seems like a lifetime, then came to hots during the beta.
I changed game mostly because of the community, we destroyed everything during the first seasons, but people adapted abit quicker than we did later, so we fel behind, i was around plat for along time, til i started realizing and seeing my mistakes, i then quite quickly started ranking up to high diamond.
While there i became quite the monster at macroing and microing, then i got into master 3000 ohh man there things went so darn fast it was tough to keep up, but every match i learned something new, got better and better, and since then i have had no problem reaching master everyseason.

So like i said, stop blaming the game, or hte players or everything else.
You might be good in DOTA, or in SC2, but this is HOTS.
Learn, adapt, and stop thinking that everything should come for free.
HOTS when at the proper rank is ALOT about mind games, til then it is mostly taking advantage of whatever is given to you.

who ever designed the pick phase for ARAM, should be fired. What a load of garbage. The only healer out team could get was Kharazim. The opponents team consistet of, lili, Deathwing, Gul’dan. Nazeebo and imperious. Nothing could be done due to this. The game is a joke and clearly run by none gamers. Blizzard deservers to go under with their incompetence

Nothing wrong with Kharazim, he is actually one of the more prominent healers to heal poke as long as you build him for it.
Though he thrives in comps consisting of mostly melees, he has no problem in comps with ranged.
He is also one of the best healers to pick for being able to duel others in a decent maner.

You might have played ARAM in other games, there you got no choice as to who topick, it is COMPLETLY random, your team might not even get a healer, atleast here you have a choice to pick something, and “Whoever” made it also made sure you had the choice of atleast 1 healer and atleast 1 tank each and everytime.

You don’t just become a worse player out of nowhere. I once had a 2 year break from paladins and one week after playing it again I was just as good as before. If you suddenly start loosing 80% of your games with no sign of it stopping then it is something else.

You said you were gold right?
That’s not the worst, that’s where most people land when they re-enter this game.

You also have to remember that this community changes quite often.
I have seen ALOT of old veterans return to this game now, we are speaking previous proper pro players even returning.
They would also end up in gold after such a long break, speaking years here.
The thing about pro players though is that most of them have the ability to re-adapt quite quickly, so they usually starting ranking up again after a week or 2 of practice.

Just because you do well in other games, like i said earlier, doesn’t mean you should automaticly be doing great here.

You don’t always get a healer. But atleast if you don’t the opponents won’t have one. Might they might have medive!
But i have had teams of single target or melee while the opponents just had full aoe. I stand by my statement. Pickphase is a joke

I’ll say this again- I never play ranked and I only play QM and used to play old brawls (RIP).